I meet people everyday and I see all kinds of attitude. I can tell you, 70% of the people I met made me think that humanity does not exist anymore. Dealing with all these self-entitled, narcissist, rude people leaved me feeling drained everyday.
I'm an ambivert by nature and being around people is draining enough. So you can understand why at the end of a working day, I've no energy nor the enthusiasm for a night out.
I just want to go home, curl in front of the telly with a good book and a cup of coffee.
Once a while in your life, you met a wonderful person or something beautiful happened. And these kind of things made you feel alive.
The best kind of people is someone who remembers details of you, albeit small and insignificant ones. Your likes and dislikes. Who tried to be a part of your life. Who asked you to text them once you are home safely. Someone who noticed the perfect imperfection and said they loved your smile because it made them feel as if it melted their troubles away. Someone who made it a point to make you laugh. Someone who never stop caring.
HJ I hope you are reading this.
The best kind of people are the ones who understands what you are going through. Who is supportive of whatever your decision is and who is unjudgemental. Most of all, who loved and accept you as who you are. All your weaknesses and flaws.
These are the people who made you feel that you mattered.
The other day I had an amazing weekend, despite working long hours and feeling exhausted.
I bumped into an old friend, Sam, who I have not met for almost a year at an event. Our booth were just opposite each other. It's really nice when someone gave you a warm, big hug instead of an awkward half-hearted handshake.
And it's really nice to bump into a friend, Jasvinder and see life treating her good.
And the next day, it was a Sunday, super hectic for my line of work, 2 old friends came by, said Hello and gave me an almighty hug. I think I last saw them more than a year ago. This crazy super thin Bibik asked for weight loss product and she said "because I want to be mentioned in your blog"
So there you go bik, famous dah kau kinektok.
Nothing grand, nothing fancy, just a simple hello and a warm hug is enough to make me happy.
So thank you Chin Pei and Bibik for dropping by and see me :)