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Showing posts from January, 2015

Over Confidence For Sale. PM me.

Yang penting gonpideeeennnn I once posted about how not to give guys your phone number HERE  So the other day, on my off day, I went for lunch and shopping alone. The perk of having your off days on weekdays, no one is available to accompany me.  So there I was grocery shopping, at the weighing station waiting for the staff to weight my chicken.  Standing next to me is 2 Black guys, waiting for the staff to cut their meat.  They were chatting and I heard one of the guy, the overly confident among the two, let's just call him A, mentioned Sarawak bla bla.  I buat muka bodooo.  After waiting for quite a while, these two guys wanted to add on items and weigh it too then requesting separate plastic bags.  A then turned to me and said "I'm sorry to keep you waiting."  I just gave a smile and said it's okay. Ingatkan habis di situ. Dia sambung lagi "Are you local? Are you from Sarawak?" I said yes. Thankfully my chicken is done. Took it then

People I Want To Strangle

Since working in a service line, I see and deal with all kinds of people. Some are pleasant but most are downright assholes. Customers nowadays are slow to appreciate but very fast to condemn. Customers are always right is something someone said when they have never been in customer service or service line.  In my job, I do my best to educate people on healthy life style, nutrition and supplements. Tapi bila datang, bila kita cuba bagi advice and share knowledge, lepas tu you tunjuk bodoh sombong you, memang silap lah. Bodoh tidak apa, boleh berubah lagi. Kalau bodoh sombong bagus jadi monyet.  Scenario 1 Cik kak terlebih berat badan datang lunch di mall. Terkedek2 kendong beg LV original harga ribu riban. Makan fast food, tak cukup siap tapau bawa balik. Tiba2 terlintas di hati nak carik fat burner, nak kurus katanya. Bagus kak ada inisiatif ni. Ehh, outlet supplement tu tingkat bawah sekali la. Jauh. Penatnya, malas nak guna escalator. Naik lif lah.  Terkedek masuk outlet ba

So What If I'm 30 Years Old?

Since New Year's day, I've seen some 85's babies moaning, dreading reaching the big 3 O. These people are mostly married and some with children.  Oh dear. Come on. There's nothing to dread. It's going to come anyway. It's not like you can be in your twenties forever.  And then I was like, come on la dude. I'm turning 30 in a month and a few days time and if we were to compare, I'm unmarrried, childless, I don't own a property and according to society's standard, I failed miserably in achieving the pre-set milestone.  When I look at people my age, with most of them married and having kids, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing my low moments with their high moments. But I have to always remember this, there's so much more going on behind that happy couple/loving family thing. Things like financial issues, in-laws, cheating spouses.  Did I tell you the story about a couple whose wife had just given birth to their first