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Strawberry Park Resort Cameron Highlands - Secluded Sanctuary For Introverts

 Strawberry Park Resort Cameron Highlands - Introvert's Perfect Sanctuary

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I'm always on the hunt for an introvert's getaway.

As you can probably tell, I love misty mountain retreats. The tranquility, cool crisp air, breathtaking view, the seclusion are just šŸ˜ perfect for introverting.

I chanced upon Strawberry Park Resort while staying at SunLight Suite during my last trip to Cameron Highlands. 

I was admiring the night view from Sunlight Suite's compound when I saw a well-lit area on the adjacent hill and remembered thinking to myself

"Hmm, that looks like an expensive place....but I gotta check it out!"

As it turns out, it wasn't that expensive considering the comfort, the facilities, and the invigorating environment. 

Hotel Booking

I booked through Agoda for a 3-day 2 nights stay, without breakfast for RM720+.

Before my trip, I emailed the resort for booking confirmation, coz you know how sometimes Agoda tends to mess up your booking, and the resort replied almost immediately. 

ā­ā­ā­ for customer service!

Welcome to Strawberry Park Resort!

The luxurious resort is nestled among lush jungles and mountain ranges and has been around for quite some time. 

Just like Sunlight Suite, it's few minutes drive away from Tanah Rata & Brinchang town but secluded enough to escape from Cameron's crazy traffic.

It's like you're in Cameron Highlands but not in Cameron Highlands. Do you get me?
Please enjoy my all senget pictures

Check-in was a breeze, the lobby has a nice old-English feel to it. 
While some people say it's old and tired, I love the quaint, old resort feel. But let me tell you, the resort is well-maintained. 

Although the landscape is not as immaculate as Sunlight Suite, Strawberry Park's has its own charm.

If you're driving, there's plenty of open space parking.
Felt like I was in an ang moh country neighbourhood

Good morning beautiful!

The Rooms

Wooden flooringšŸ˜

The rooms are 
newly refurbished. It felt fresh and clean and so much more spacious than most hotel rooms. The beddings are comfy, pillows are fluffy. It's like sleeping on a cloud. 

The best thing about the rooms? They all have a half-circle balcony with sitting areas where you can just sit, read and soak in the ambiance. 

Don't get me started on the bathrooms. It was modern, and more spacious than my apartment room šŸ˜­ 

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This hand towel holder is such a nice touch

The water pressure is strong, even when you're using hot water which is an absolute necessity in cold places like Cameron. 

Room Facilities

  • TV - small, pretty dated looking with not many channels but hey, you don't come to Cameron to watch TV right? 
  • Tea & Coffee making facility
  • Small fridge
  • Wardrobe/ storage space
  • Hair dryer
The rooms are not air-conditioned, as most places in Cameron are since the air is cooler but the weather nowadays is HOT. If there's one thing to improve about the room, is to have a fan installed because it gets stuffy at times, especially in the afternoon.

Room Tips: The rooms are in a few blocks with 4 levels. There's no lift. If you're traveling with kids/seniors, request for units on the low floor. 

What To Do In Strawberry Park Resort?

Right after we checked in, it started to rain. We quickly bancuh our coffee, took out biscuits and snacks we bought in Brinchang, sat on the balcony, and just admire the falling rain.

Ahhh such a wonderful life to just be in the moment. Just rain, mist, and cool air. It was so quiet and serene. 

In the evening, we went for a walk around the resort compound, admiring the lovely landscaping, especially at night they have these string lights on tall pine trees, it felt like Christmas!

The Deck is the entrance to their in-house Spa but it's closed till further notice though

Komorebi - a beautiful and poetic term that describes the dappled or filtered sunlight that shines through the leaves of trees

If you're traveling with kids, there's a small children's playground too.

And later at night, we drove out for dinner at this steamboat place really close to the resort, M Cafe Steamboat & Grill

We pretty much did the same thing for 3 days. Sit on the balcony, drink some coffee, catch up on some reading, taking naps, went for morning & evening walks. 

Believe me or not, most guests were like that too. hahaha! It was so quiet at the resort you would think that it was empty but there were guests around. Probably holed up in their rooms too. 

It's like this place is an introvert magnet. 

We only went out to nearby town for food and did not go to any tourist attractions to avoid getting caught in Cameron's nightmare traffic. Plus, this is like my zillionth time in Cameron šŸ˜…

But if you're looking for things to do, there's a heated indoor swimming pool and gym and the resort does offer tour packages/activities that you can sign up for. 

Food & Beverage Options

If you're lazy to drive out, there are a few in-house dining options you can choose from. 

There's a steamboat dinner package and their hi-tea set for two deals (RM70 for 2 people) is pretty tempting too. We were not scones-person so we gave it a miss.

As An Introvert, Would I Re-visit?

Heck YES!

But if you can, avoid school holidays or peak season for tourists. 

Compared to Sunlight Suites, Strawberry Park is more established in the tourism industry so it tends to attract big tour groups. During my stay, there were a few tourist vans coming and going. 

My room is facing the lobby and because it was so quiet and devoid of white noises, I can hear clearly car doors shutting, engines running, and conversations going on. 

It is probably better to request a jungle-facing room.

But all in all, I would definitely come back to recharge, relax & rejuvenate.


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