Or a competition for that matter. Have you ever stop and think that for the whole of our lives, we have been competing with others? It's like a race. We have to outdo one another. We have to be better than someone else. We have to reach a certain milestones by certain age.
When we were in school, we were encouraged and pushed to achieve excellence academically. To get the highest mark for Math, to get the most A's in exams. The ones who did not measure up were thought as a failure. It does not matter that if they are talented in something else like sports or arts. Schools emphasized on competitiveness, leadership, strive for excellence but what about character building? Like honesty or compassion or integrity?
When we are adults, the list goes on. Everyone seems to be competing for everything. The highest paying job, the biggest car, the fanciest house. Sometimes it's something superficial like wanting to be more beautiful, slimmer or buffer than another person. We set a milestone for ourselves. Like i must get married by 25 or i must own a house by 30. We rushed through life,we multitask, work harder, earn more money, buy more things. Sometimes at the expense of our happiness and neglecting things that really matter, like our loved ones. Our kids, our parents.
At times, the milestones are set by the people around us. It's like a pattern that all of us have to follow. Graduating, get a job (the highest paying possible no matter how soul-destroying it is), buy a house, get married, have kids, have grandchildren. Sometimes i think life is more than those things.
Sometimes others failed to understand that each of us carves out our own lifeāone that works with our dreams, strengths, passions and talents. Everyone has their own pace. Their own unique gifts. Why do we have to compete with someone else and strive to be better than them? To impress everyone? The only person we have to compete with is ourselves. To be better than we were yesterday.
Life is not a race but indeed a journey. Live in the present and savor the moments.
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