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Bikinication: Project Phuket Part 2

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So on the 3rd day we went island hopping to Phi Phi Island where the movie "The Beach" featuring Leonardo Dicaprio was filmed. 

Bought the package while wandering around Patong Beach but you can get these island hopping packages anywhere in Phuket. 

Like many other things in Phuket, you have to bargain. We got our package for 1050 Baht/pax which included transport to and fro hotel, lunch and refreshments, snorkeling equipment and covers Maya Bay (where the filming was), Loh Samah Bay, Pileh Lagoon, Viking Cave, Monkey Beach and Khai Nok Island. 

We only stop and got down the boat at Maya Bay, another lagoon i don't know what's the name for snorkeling, Phi Phi Don for lunch and Khai Nok Island. 

They picked us up at 7.45am from the hotel and all of us gathered in a place for a briefing. There were 3 boats that day for all of us, then departed to the jetty which was about 10 minutes from the place we gathered.

They provided seasick pills too. I highly recommend you guys to take it. Tidak payah trip2 mau jadi macho/hero. The sea can be really rough and the boat ride was quite long. No harm in taking precaution as being sick can ruin your day.
Macam mangsa seludup la sikit2....
We sat at the back of the boat. It's not as bumpy compared to the front but be ready to get wet. I was soaking wet even before we reach the island.

After about 30-40 minutes, we finally reached Maya Bay. I can tell you it is super gorgeous. The water is amazingly clear and cyan blue, magnificent cliffs covered with trees. The view was simply breath taking.


There were throngs of people on the beach though..
Swimming is not recommended as there were too many boats and the waves were quite strong. I was almost stripped off my bikini. 

The beach was amazing. Soft, white sands, blue crystal clear water with lots of greenaries around. True definition of a perfect beach. 

Next stop was monkey beach. Named as such because there were lots of monkeys. If you look carefully you can see a few monkeys on the rock. But the most striking thing would be that crystal clear water. 

The water is emerald green! Breath-taking.  
So we did our snorkeling here. There were many colourful fishes around and too bad i didn't have waterproof camera with me to show you the beautiful fishes. The water was quite deep though and i wouldn't recommend it to non-swimmers.
Next stop was Koh Phi Phi where we had our buffet lunch. Didn't take any photo gara2 kebuluran melampau. 

It was really good. We were served rice, spaghetti, mixed vege, stir-fried chicken, fried chicken and mussel tomyam. There were also fruits, tea and coffee. 

Next was Khai Island. You can swim or just sit on the beach here. 

We were served some drinks and fruits.

These lounging chairs were 150 Baht/pair. We asked the friendly boatman to watch our stuff and explored the island instead of paying 150 Baht. 
The white shirt guy is Billy from Taipei who we met on the boat. He used to stay in Penang for 3 years when he was growing up. The one with the woolly hat was our boat captain.

You can snorkel here but we were too busy taking photos.

The malay-speaking boatman let me sit here. Jadi apa lagi, peluang jangan dilepaskan.

We reached hotel around 5.30-6.00pm. Took a shower, rest for a while and out we went to the town again. Went to this food festival near Patong Beach. There were only a few stalls though. 

Don't say you've been to Thailand if you didn't try their tomyam and mango with sticky rice.

Row of shops opposite the beach

Went to Bangla Road again and saw these Lady Boys dancing on the table. The one with the green bra was really good.
This lady boy is slimmer and has bigger boobs than me. Oh well, at least mine is original. hohoho. Be prepared to tip them though if you want to take a photo with them. 

Thai Ronald McDonald was different :)

We had to get back early as we have a 6am flight to catch. Too tired to walk so we took a motorbike taxi, 100 Baht/bike. 3 of us were on a bike without a helmet. It was funny. 

We requested an airport taxi from the hotel for a fee of 850 Baht. Naik Toyota uolss, apa kelas naik proton. 
Thank you for the amazing time Phuket. Next, somewhere scenic, peaceful and calm. Bali perhaps? :)


  1. Ahhh.. Phuket was good for lots of reasons. The live band is something... and the night life is awesome!


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