Stressnya Bila Stress!
"Stressnya tak dapat cuti"
"Stresslah macam ni. Cuti pun jam sana sini"
"Ai dah gemuk. Stress!"
"Nak tercirit dah ni tapi stuck dalam jam kat highway. RnR jauuh lagi. Stresss!"
Okay nampak tak betapa luasnya penggunaan perkataan stress dalam kehidupan seharian?
Yes stress is overused but ironically underestimated. A little stress is okay. Some stress is needed to push ourselves but as with anything in life, it's all about balance.
The problem comes when there is too much stress and you can't cope with it.
Too much stress can cause physical, emotional and mental complications. Or it can also be vice versa in a way that any physical, emotional and mental complications lead to stress.
Ohh i don't know. Stress pulak fikir kan?
Okay Apa Itu Stress?
Stress adalah tindak balas semula jadi badan kita terhadap ancaman, whether theyāre real or perceived.Apabila kita berasa terancam, berlakunya tindak balas kimia dalam badan yang membolehkan kita bertindak untuk mengelakkan kecederaan. Tindak balas ini dikenali sebagai "fight-or-flight,ā ataupun respon stress.
Dalam keadaan ini, denyutan jantung meningkat, pernafasan menjadi cepat, otot kejung dan tekanan darah akan meningkat.
You are ready to act. Ini adalah cara badan kita melindungi diri.
Stress ni sebenarnya adalah subjektif.
Lain orang lain penerimaan terhadap stress dan apa yang membuatkan mereka stress. Sesetengah orang pulak lebih mahir menangani stress berbanding orang lain.
Sometimes your mind can take it but not your body.
It is true that I don't fall sick very frequently. I couldn't remember the last time I had a fever. Many years ago I think.
Yes my immune system is tip top but lately, I always had this nagging, one sided headache that took me 2-3 days to recover.
Sometimes the trigger could be when I don't drink enough water or I exert myself too much when exercising.
Most of the time, it is accompanied by extremely tense muscles, the whole body is aching especially my shoulders and neck.
Ada satu ketika tu, fikiran iols macam tak boleh berhenti tau. Sentiasa berfikir, sentiasa risau, sentiasa gelisah tanpa sebab munasabah.
Adakah iols menuju ke arah Tanjung Rambutan atau ini hanyalah stress? Ataupun disebabkan aging? #prayforcpps
Atau pun adakah ini simptom CPPS perlukan sebuah percutian, like forever and ever STAT!!
Apa Simptom Stress?
Disebabkan kesubjektifan stress ni, maka lain orang lain simptomnya.Simptom emosi stress:
- Cepat terasa, sentap, frustrated, dan moody
- Perasaan seperti overwhelmed, like you are losing control or need to take control
- Sukar untuk relaks atau berfikiran tenang
- low self-esteem, berasa sunyi, tidak berguna, tertekan atau depress
- Mengelak untuk berjumpa orang lain
- Lesu, tidak bertenaga
- Sakit kepala
- Masalah sistem pencernaan ( cirit birit, sembelit, mual, hilang selera makan)
- Otot terasa tegang, sakit-sakit badan
- Sakit dada
- Insomnia
- Cepat dan kerap jatuh sakit
- Loss of sexual desire and/or ability
- Sentiasa resah, risau
- Fikiran celaru
- Mudah lupa, kelam kabut
- Susah untuk fokus
Sometimes your mind can take it but not your body.
It is true that I don't fall sick very frequently. I couldn't remember the last time I had a fever. Many years ago I think.
Yes my immune system is tip top but lately, I always had this nagging, one sided headache that took me 2-3 days to recover.
Sometimes the trigger could be when I don't drink enough water or I exert myself too much when exercising.
Most of the time, it is accompanied by extremely tense muscles, the whole body is aching especially my shoulders and neck.
Ada satu ketika tu, fikiran iols macam tak boleh berhenti tau. Sentiasa berfikir, sentiasa risau, sentiasa gelisah tanpa sebab munasabah.
Adakah iols menuju ke arah Tanjung Rambutan atau ini hanyalah stress? Ataupun disebabkan aging? #prayforcpps
Atau pun adakah ini simptom CPPS perlukan sebuah percutian, like forever and ever STAT!!
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