Ahhhh what a life. There is so much happiness in this photo |
Rasanya belum terlambat untuk CPPS wish uols semua Happy New Year 2018!
Semoga tahun baru ni mendatangkan lebih banyak rezeki, kejayaan dan kebahagian buat uols semua.
So how did your 2017 went?
Here's some of the highlights from my 2017. Mind you,this is a very special post because any personal post is very rare. hihi.
Wedding bells
2017 is a year of weddings for my group of friends! hahahaha.
The wedding dash started with Masnur's wedding in early February, in Ipoh. It was a great excuse for a road trip to Ipoh then Penang with my bunch of crazy people. |
Twinnie Beth ( we shared the same birthday) got married in February. It was succchhhhh a beautiful wedding and I'm glad to be a part of the celebration. My dear friend Mordi on the far right also recently got engaged in December. Such a happy year for Gang Belakang Esbok. |
This is my 22B geng. Brandan and Val got married in July. Because we are all scattered all over Borneo and Malaya, this celebration was definitely a great time to reunite. Remembering the good old days we spent in old flat. Ahhh good times. |
My beautiful dayung Jasmine got married in August. Ohh remembering our crazy younger days of clubbing and partying. Hihi |
Another 22B wedding! Ezone and Shirley tied the note in November, after 11 years of being together. How amazing is that?! |
Tuan Sebat also got married in November. I'm so happy for this guy because he is genuinely a good friend and it's so nice to see him happy. |
And on not-so-happy note
What is life without ups and downs, happiness and sadness right? In 2017, we lost our dearest uncle. Since my late father passed away more than 10 years ago, Uncle Joanes is the closest we are to my dad's side of the family. He was our father figure for the last 10 years.
Although he was away working in Sabah most of the time, without fail, we will always gather together for a little family dinner during Gawai and Christmas.
Picture credit to John Harding. |
Not too long after that, our KUBM HFK lost a father figure as well. Dr Jugah was called home to be with the Lord this year. He and his family has touched the hearts and lives of many anak-anak perantauan here in KL. Always opening their hearts and homes to those in need. This photo was from during our annual Langkawi trip. |
Well, one year one destination. So 2017 was Lombok, Indonesia. It was soooo beautiful. The beaches are amazing and breathtaking. You can read about it HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE |
So macam mana sambutan nuyear uols tu? Meletup ke idok? Ke uols sambut secara aging jugak macam CPPS? hihi
Me in my best element. At home. KAHHHH!! So iols sambut Nuyer kat rumah je lah uols!
Macam ni lah introvert/Aging person sambut nuyear. Masak sendiri lepas tu duduk rumah je minum oren jus. But because I'm trying VERY hard to not be a boring person, so I spiked my orange juice with Vodka. KAHHHH! So that's not just orange juice, it's Screwdriver bebeh!
Maybe I'm getting old or my liver can't tolerate alcohol anymore, I got so sleepy after few drinks and had diarrhea the next day. Naisssss.
My balcony is a nice place to hang out because I can see the fireworks from there. A nice dinner with decent fireworks view, jimat duit, jimat masa. #agingpersontheory
Tepat pukul 12am, my dinner companion cakap "Hey, let's share our new year resolution. Mine, i want to collect enough money, at least 10k so I can buy a house next year. Yahoooo! How about you?"
"Me? Ohh I just want to go visit New Zealand."
"THAT'S ALLL???!!!!!!"
"Duhhh. mestilah. Buat apa resolution banyak-banyak kalau sedar diri ni jenis manusia hangat-hangat taik ayam."
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