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Perth Travelogue Day 2

Harap maaf atas kelewatan Cik Panda update travelogue ni. Al maklumlah Cik Panda sekarang huru hara uols. Selain plaster siling runtuh (which you can read about HERE), baru-baru ni pulak tandas rumah Cik Panda tersumbat. 

Dah contact house owner tapi dia buat derk buat bodo. Cik Panda dah tak boleh sabar! 

Uols bayangkan kita duduk rumah tu mestilah nak selesa. Boleh tido dengan nyenyak tanpa risau siling jatuh, berak dengan aman. Ni tak, nak berak pun fikir 8 juta kali. Nasib baik perut Cik Panda memahami, tak meragam beberapa hari ni.

So Cik Panda tengah serabut cari rumah baru. Nasib baik la ada Cik Pah temankan. Cik Panda upkan habuan para bodyguard Cik Panda nih. Good service!

Lepas tu jangan tanya apa cerita dating life Cik Panda Tinderella sekarang. 


NO stories for you. Cik Panda sejak balik Mesia ni dah insaf, taubat, ke arah kebaikan. Gituh

Okay back to Perth Travelogue. On the second day, we visited Caversham Wildlife Park and Swan Valley. 

Read about the first day HERE

You can always take public transports like buses or train to these places but it's quite troublesome to change between shuttles. Plus it's always convenient to drive as you can stop along the journey for photos etc. So we rented a car.

I did the booking online from 1 week before we travel. It was very convenient as the pick up office was just a walking distance from our hotel. 

For 2 days rental + GPS + emergency services it cost us RM126/pax (Total RM 504) + Petrol for 2 days (RM44.80 per pax)
This is our rented car. And it's in the cheapest category. 
Travel tips: Although an added cost, rent a GPS for easy traveling and driving. Saves you time and headache.

Our new format Malaysian driving license is valid in Australia so you don't have to apply for an International Driving License. Upon car collecting, they will need your credit card and driving license. 

Driving in Perth or Australia is very pleasant. Most drivers are very courteous and law abiding. They stick to the speed limit and uses indicator everytime. And they don't even speed on the highway. 

Lain la macam driver malaysia, macam haram jadah bawak kereta. 

So Caversham Wildlife Park is in Whitepark area, which is about 30-35 minutes drive from CBD. Park entry fee will cost $27 per adult. 
Apparently Malaysians like this park so much they even have a signage in BM

What to do in Caversham Wildlife Park? You get to meet up close with koala bears and kangaroos, among other animals. You can touch and feed them. And take selfies. Obviously the koala behind us doesn't care much.
It's a great place for kids because they can pet and touch the animals. 

Me? I'll just go under the shades because it was scorching HOT. Typical Malaysians that I am.  
I am an ANIMAL!
Wombat doesn't look too impressed...
Or (FORCE) feed the kangaroos...
They have timing for Meet the Koala or the Wombat, for farm shows etc so make sure you are there on the right time. 

Travel Tips: Always have your sunscreen with you. It's super hot in summer. And bring along some food for snacking to save money from buying foods in places like these as they are quite pricey. 

We had our lunch somewhere nearby. It was chinese food. Memang boleh mati kalau saya tidak makan nasik. It was a residential area supermarket, like your neighbourhood Giant/Tesco and there was an Asian grocery store so I went in and bought SEIKAT SAWI.

So malaysian. aish. 

We headed towards Swan Valley but got lost so had to U-turn. Our first stop was Whistler's Chocolate Company where we bought some chocolates for hommies. 
Fancy chocolates

Then drove over to visit Houghton wineyard. We didn't go for the wine tasting as such as it was almost closing time (4pm), just walk around the place and fefeeling hindustan di rumput nan hijau dan langit nan biru 
GRAPE! on a tree! Cik Panda is sakai
We headed back to the city. It was still early to be staying in the room so we stopped by the Bell Tower on the Swan River Waterfront. 

Travel Tips: Parkings in the city are free from 6pm onwards. 
View of Perth CBD from the Bell Tower
Bell Tower chimes every hour and it sounds just like St Joe's bells
Sunset overlooking Swan River
We had dinner in the room. Instant noodles with eggs, sausage and the SAWI i bought. Feels like home bebeh!


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