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Tis' The Season To Be Jolly's that time of the year again. Festivities and holidays are always are great time to be home, family gathering and catching up with friends you have not seen for a long time. It is also a great time to indulge on food and drinks and giving excuses like "Tidak apa la, setahun sekali aja." when you are over-eating. It is also very common to gain a few kg once the holiday is over. I don't know about you but every time i'm back in hometown, I'll go back 2-3 kg heavier. It must be something in the water...that or the home-cooked food i couldn't find anywhere else. 

Here are some smart eating tips during this Christmas:

1. Drink lots of water

Water helps you flush out all the wastes and keeps your stomach clean and functioning. Water helps in proper absorption and aids digestion. Drink lots of water before meal so you feel a bit full and will not over-eat.

2. Restrict alcohol

smart nutrition during Christmas is to avoid indulging in alcohol. A simple toast raised during the party or a sip here and there will not do much harm. It is harmful when you go on a drinking spree with friends and family. Try to restrict yourself with 2 alcoholic drinks or nominate yourself to be the designated driver.

3. Eat desserts that are fruit based

Fruits make for the best nutrition. It is packed with nutrients and low in calorie. 

4. Avoid a second helping

As much as you would love to take a second helping, restrain yourself and limit your food intake. This is because you would be already eating twice what you normally do and a second helping will contribute to a liberal amount of high calories.

5. Indulge in sweets but wisely!

Christmas time is THE time when you can please yourself once a year by indulging in your favourite cookies and cakes. While there is no need to punish yourself by not eating anything, make sure that you take a small portions of your favourites. This will keep your Christmas spirits alive while giving it a healthy and nutritional touch.

6. Use smaller plates

This is called eating psychology. When your plate is small, you tend not to pile your plate with too much food. Less food means less chance to overeat.

The plate on the right looks like it has more food right? The amount is actually the same.

So, lets eat (smart) and be merry this Christmas.  Blessed Christmas!


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