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Religion, Faith and Humanity

Religion has always been a sensitive issue, especially in a multiracial country like Malaysia. It saddened me to see the state of my beloved country lately. There is so many parties trying to destroy the peace and harmony we are so proud of. We have tolerated each other all these while and why some people put all their effort and energy to disrupt that?

What's in a religion if there is no faith?

I speak for myself and these are only my personal opinion. I believe that every religion is good and teaches Love. At the end, love is all that matters. But is it Love if we only accept and be nice to those who are of the same race or religion? I believe that everyone, regardless of their race, beliefs, nationality or even sexual orientation is created lovingly by God.

There are many ways to one destination. I believe that there is only one God. Not Muslim's God or Christian's God or different God for everybody. Most people are trapped between being religious and having faith. They focus too much on the outside. One can very religious, adhered to every rules and commandments, every obligation and frowned upon those who did not do the same. Thinking they are better than those who were deemed 'not religious'. But what about their inside? Their faith? Did they obliged all the rules because of fear and obligation or because their love for God?

I remembered a priest once said during his homily. Faith is not all about that outward show of being religious, attending church etc. Faith is your personal relationship with God.

I sometimes think that there is too many rules and restriction in religion and people tend to focus on these instead of the main message which is Love. Love for another human being. At times, people used these rules to judge fellow human being. I find that most people who claimed themselves to be 'religious' tend to be more judgemental than those who are 'not religious', 'spiritual' or free thinker. The latter I find are more accepting and loving, regardless of who or what you are.  Because of that, a lot of people say they believe in God but not religion.

What is your idea of God?

A lot of people have this idea that God is vengeful and will punish you. They are fearful of God because of this. When the typhoon hits the Philippines some time back, I saw in the internet some people say we should not help them because they are 'kafir', because they destroyed a mosque in Manila therefore God has punished them and kills thousands. Kononnya Tuhan turunkan bala, Tuhan bayar cash je sekarang.

Saya paling lah tidak suka ayat tu.

I believe that God is loving and merciful, slow to anger and full of love. He is good to everyone and has compassion on all He made (Psalm 145:8-9). Tuhan itu Maha pengasih and penyayang. Tuhan itu Maha mengampuni. Tuhan bukannya macam manusia yang mempunyai rasa marah dan membalas dendam. Bila seseorang itu ditimpa kesusahan dan dia pernah berbuat jahat suatu ketika dahulu dan kita cakap "Tuhan bayar cash je sekarang.", bukankah itu bercanggah dengan kepercayaan yang Tuhan itu pengasih dan penyayang?

God is Love. And if your religion teaches you to be violent, oppress others, disrespectful and kill others, you have to ask yourself, is it really from God? It's sad how people used religion to justify their actions.

I believe that what you give is what you get back. If you exudes negativity and hurt others, it will attract the same thing to you. It is not God's work.

Why use religion to instil fear?

Fear of other religion that is. If religion is truly what it is, I believe that it should spread love and harmony. Not hatred and fear of others. Why use religion to control others? I have a friend who lived in a muslim populated housing area. They have to moved out of the house as the house owner gave a few conditions if they wanted to stay. Among others was no pork or liquor in the house and no hanging of crucifix in the house because neighbours are complaining. Why is there so much fear? It's just a crucifix. It's not like the whole neighbourhood will be converted because of that. What happens to tolerating and respecting each other?

Recently there is this uproar about a seminar regarding the danger of Christianization in a public uni. Christian is deemed as the bad guy and is not a true religion. What is this argument about which religion is true? It is absurd. No religion is superior than the others. There is so much fear and misunderstanding about Christian among Muslims. People tend to get confused between religion and cultural practice.

Valentine's Day for example is not a Christian's celebration entirely. Yes, it is a day to honour St. Valentine but the church did not celebrate this. It is so funny yet annoying when people say "Hari Valentine adalah hari perayaan orang Kristian.". Itu budaya barat dan bukannya budaya Kristian. Apa-apa saja berkaitan dengan budaya barat, automatik kena cakap budaya Kristian. Bukan semua orang barat itu Kristian dan bukan semua orang Kristian itu orang barat. The stupidest thing I came across was they say baby-shower is a Christian's tradition. Artis-artis melayu di Malaysia murtad konon kerana buat baby shower. Baby shower itukan budaya Kristian. Hampir 3 abad saya hidup sebagai seorang Kristian, tidak pernah saya, keluarga atau kawan2 saya buat baby shower. Itu budaya BARAT dan bukannya budaya Kristian.

Sama juga dengan adat dan budaya orang Melayu and Islam. Kami tau akad nikah adalah wajib dalam Islam and bersanding itu adalah budaya orang Melayu. Two different things right. There is so many things we know and understand because we read, we ask, we accept it as your practise. Does doing that make me less Christian? Of course not.

And why is this fear of conversion? Christians are only 9% compared to 60% of Muslims in Malaysia. And with so many conversion to Islam due to marriage and free will, why are they so afraid Christians will out number Muslims?

I don't hate the religion, I just don't like those who do something and used religion to justify their actions.

Being Human First Above All Else

I for one believe that humanity is above religion. Learn to be human and have compassion towards others first. Everyone is God's beautiful creation. Regardless of their race or religion, they are also human like you. Somebody with feelings, hope and fear. Just like you. Just because you are of a certain religion, does not mean you are above others. Tuhan ciptakan kita semua berbeza supaya kita boleh belajar untuk memahami dan menerima orang lain, bukan untuk kita menindas dan mencaci. Learn to see the good in everyone. Learn to accept people as who they are and not who we wanted them to be.


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