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All In A Day's Work

I miss blogging. I miss poret2 and telling you guys stories. I always have ideas what to write but whenever I reached home, all I wanted to do was eat then sleep.

Well, anyway, let's get started because i have so many things to share.

My days at work is always very interesting because I get to see all kinds of people everyday and everyday has it own challenges. Of course when you deal with people, there is always the good and the bad. The bad tu macam biasa la kena marah. Saya pernah kena marah "a waste of taxpayers money" oleh customer yang discovered I have a degree in Medicine but chose to be a Nutritionist and worked in a store. We are not just a mere retail worker. We are qualified Nutritionist who are passionate about well being. We do preventive medicine.We don't just sell things, we give advice and shared knowledge. 

Our store is in a high end area with celebrities and VVIPs and all the Datuk, Datin, Tan Sri, Puan Sri etc. So there is this one famous VVIP who walked into our store with his 2 bodyguards and my senior colleague attended him. And he was quite cranky and rude. Susah sangat ka mau senyum? Sometimes, it makes me wonder, just because you have a title and a fat bank account, you have no right to be rude or looked down on fellow human being. or demanded to be respected. Ada tu yang meroyan kalau tidak kena panggil Datuk XX or Datin YY. Duiii tolong lahh...

Customers came with problems and they wanted solution from us. So the other day, a guy wanted something to help with insomnia. Apparently he can't sleep for many days. Even doctor's prescribed medicine has no effect on him. So my colleague suggested few herbs and minerals that helps with sleep. He was so anxious, cranky and snappy. He was telling us he has so many problems, work, family, relationship. So besides being a Nutritionist, we sometimes have to be counsellor, an ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on. At that time, it makes me realize the best things in life are always free. If you have so much money or you have everything in the world but no peace of mind, you have nothing. And yeah, sleep is very2 important. 

But we choose to look on the positive ones. We learned a lot of things from our customers as they always share nuggets of wisdom with us (apparently they like our services and like to chat with us if we are not busy). So the other day, a journalist who is regular shared that in life, we must be positive and looked on the good side of people and things. Watch your mouth and the things you say to others. If people offended or take advantage of you, just forgive them. Just assume they are sick or have problems.

Then the other day, a very humbly dressed Chinese uncle carrying bags of groceries walked into the store. So he told us that he did not depend on his maid to do things, that he is a firm believer that we must go to work during daylight and came back when there is still daylight. He believes in being effective and always advices his employees to go home and spend time with family. Later only I discovered that he is a Datuk.

So anyway, besides all these VVIPs, its common to see Malaysian artist around too. My friends knew my long time crush on Fahrin Ahmad. My colleague and I were just talking about him the other day when suddenly he walked into our store one day and I nearly died of excitement. I cannot believe my eyes. Never in million years I thought I would meet him in person and talked to him. And he was so nice and friendly and make the point of getting our names. Giddy and excited just like a school girl. Customer lain dalam kedai masa tu tidak kena pandang sudah...Ambil peluang ambil gambar la, apa lagi. Boleh tenung setiap malam sebelum tidur. Wakaka.

When I have the time later on, I will share few health tips and recommendations from nutritional point of view. So keep reading. 

Saya mau pegi tenung gambar Fahrin Ahmad dulu. Tatatititutuuuuu.


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