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The Perfect Staycation For An Introvert: The Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur, A Lush Sanctuary In The City

The Perfect Staycation For An Introvert: The Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur, A Lush Sanctuary In The City 

I absolutely love staycations and almost always prefer places that are quiet, intimate with lots of greens. 
Like a resort in the middle of the city.

But to find one with an affordable rate in Kuala Lumpur city is quite a challenge.

I happened to have a work-related thing in The Saujana Hotel and fell in love. Told myself that I will come back to spend a night (or two) here.

The Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur

Nestled in 160 hectares of lush gardens is a luxury resort-style hotel, located in the suburbs and next to a golf course somewhere in Subang/Shah Alam.

It's the perfect place for a rejuvenating weekend when you want to be away from the hustle-bustle of the city but still located in the city. Just minutes away from Subang Airport.

I love that it's near to Citta Mall, Subang Parade and Empire Subang Shopping Gallery

So you know, I got a lot of F&B options.

Read: Top Places To Eat In Subang Jaya

The Saujana Hotel pool overlooks a small lake and right opposite the lake is the golf course.  Definitely my favourite spot to read a book while soaking in the calm and serenity.

What Is The Hotel Rate?

Quite pricey (well it's a 5-star hotel what do you expect). Rate starts from RM210 on their website but I got a very affordable rate during our endless MCO and ended up staying twice. 

Not bad eh. 

Bookings can be made through their website or Agoda. I've used both. 

What I Love About The Place 

  • Well maintained gardens, lots of trees, plants. Lush greeneries wherever you look
  • Huge compound so you tend to not meet anyone - perfect for introverts
  • Huge, spacious, welcoming lobby 
  • Plenty of parking (free!)
  • Luxurious room overlooking the lake, green compound I'm in love
  • Coffee machine in the room
  • Kiddies & adult (deep!) swimming pool
  • That sweet spot overlooking the lake
  • Easy access to a lot of nearby malls (hello GrabFood)
  • 6 in site restaurant (but I'm kinda cheapskate so hello again GrabFood) 
My favourite nook in the room

Cosy cosy comfy comfy

yummy yummy Philly steak sandwich at The Charcoal Restaurant

So lucky that both times I was there, I got a room that faces the lake & greens šŸ˜

Had a good and much-deserved bath. Highly recommend this bath gel from Bath and Body Works

What I Don't Really Love About The Place 

  • Hostel style building - like you know with corridors, central courtyard and all
  • Creepy at night - I don't know why, when I was there, the lights on the corridor were not on and it was dark. DARK CORRIDORS ARE DAMN CREEPY I HATE DARK CORRIDORS. and there is a huge pokok Ara between the reception building and rooms building. So if pokok Ara creeps you out, then that's another creepy point.
  • Security can be improved - open parking right next to the building where the rooms are, easy access but also means anyone can just come and go.
Because I was there during MCO so there was no buffet breakfast. Instead, it was served as breakfast sets that you could choose from. 

There was quite a crowd but the staff was attentive.

What To Do On Your Staycation At The Saujana Hotel

Eat, sleep, soak in the bathtub (if you chose a room with one that is), swim in the pool, walk around the lush compound, laze on the recliner chair & read a book while you are at it.

Or you know, you could also use the fitness centre or go for a round or two of golf. 

If you need more ideas, this "16 Things To Do On A Staycation" article on Forbes could help.

Why It's Perfect For Introverts?

šŸŒ² Away from hustle & bustle of the city - no sounds of cars honking  guaranteed
šŸŒ² Huge compounds - does not feel crowded or "stuffy"
šŸŒ² Attracts like-minded people - Guest were mostly just minding their own business, chilled, non-rowdy. People who just wanna rest & get away from it all. And the staff were not the-annoying-overfriendly-kinda people too.
šŸŒ² Reading nook overlooking the immaculate garden - Need I say more? Make sure you request one with such view I guess. 
šŸŒ² Lots of places to sit by yourself, reading, writing, being in your own thoughts - I love that spot between the lake & pool.
šŸŒ² Private and intimate - if you want to be just left alone, this place is perfect

Will I be back?

Yes. When the rate is affordable again - says your typical cheapskate Asian aunty

Also Read: 

1. 10 Must-Have Items For A Relaxing Hotel Staycation In The City

2.  Staycation @ Laman Sentosa, Kuantan: Ada Bathtub!

3. Tasik Kebun Serendah: Weekend Getaway To Relax & Recharge

4. Harmony Valley Retreat Di Janda Baik: Weekend Getaway Yang Mendamaikan

5. That Glorious Birthday Staycation: The Royal Chulan Damansara

6. Birthday Staycation @ DoubleTree By Hilton


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