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10 Must-Have Items For A Relaxing Hotel Staycation In The City

 10 Must-Have Items For A Relaxing Hotel Staycation In The City

Image: Unsplash

Need a break but have a limited budget, time, and energy for a proper vacation?

Thank God for staycations where you can spend a short break in your home city, staying somewhere else than at home be it a boutique or luxury hotel, resort, or holiday apartment.

It is a great chance to pamper, indulge yourself in the much-needed me-time while enjoying the hotel's amenities to the fullest (hello bathtub and room service)

Although it's just a short break in your city, packing for an overnight trip shouldn't be boring and blah. 

Not sure what to pack for a relaxing hotel staycation in the city?

Check out our list below for ideas.

1. Moisturizing Sheet Mask

Image: Unsplash

A hotel staycation is a perfect time to indulge in this often-skipped skincare step. 

And they are often packed individually so it's so easy to just chuck a few (or a box) into your weekender bag.

I personally like Garnier Hydra Bomb Pomegranate Mask:
  • Formulated with 1 week's worth of serum concentrated in just 15 minutes use of 1 sheet mask. 
  • Enriched with anti-oxidant pomegranate extract 
  • Intensely rehydrates skin, reduces the look of fine lines, and revives radiance.
  • The serum absorbs nicely and doesn't leave a sticky gooey feeling
  • Thicker sheet mask
Super-hydrating and revitalizing. My skin is so dewy after application. 

2. Travel Skincare Set

Image: Hypebea

Who has time (and patience) to transfer their skincare essentials into travel-friendly bottles?

Why not just grab a travel skincare set that fits perfectly into that overnight bag?

šŸ˜ Add to Cart Laneige Water Bank Trial Kit

3. Aromatherapy Bath & Shower Gel

For that luxurious bubble bath of course!

I absolutely adore the Aromatherapy range by Bath and Body Works that will turn your staycation into a spa-level experience.  

It is carefully crafted with essential oil blend and made with aloe and bamboo extract.
  • Nourishing, leaves skin feeling clean, soft, and refreshed. 
  • Absolutely calming, great for stress relief
  • Fragranced with natural essential oils 
  • Fast foaming - luxurious lush lush bubbles to die for.

Psst. It comes in travel size too!

4. Soft, Fluffy Bathrobe

Image: Shein Bathrobe with Hoodie
While some hotels provide bathrobes, often they aren't of the best quality. 

You deserve a soft and fluffy bathrobe on your perfect getaway so why not pack one along to elevate your DIY spa weekend?

šŸ˜ Cotton Waffle Bathrobe (hotel quality!) - to wrap you in that 5-star hotel feeling every day. 
šŸ˜ KOO Teddy Bathrobe - Buttery soft and luxuriously comfortable
šŸ˜ SHEIN Bathrobe with Hoodie -Bathrobe with a teddy hoodie, comfy and cute. Just take my money already.

5. The Comfiest Loungewear

Loungewear is your uniform for a hotel staycation.

You need something that is not only comfy but also stylish and presentable for moments when you need to open the door for your room service.

Uniqlo has the comfiest yet stylish apparel ever.

šŸ˜ Satin Short Sleeve Pyjama 

Short-sleeved top and pants in satin fabric, easy care feature. Very comfy to lounge in!
If you prefer long-sleeved loungewear, then you gotta pack this along. Added comfort features such as DRY technology and Cool Touch keep you super comfy.

6. Books And Other Reading Materials

Image: Unsplash

Hotel staycation is the perfect time to catch up on your readings. You know, in between soaking in the bathtub, putting on a sheet mask and stuffing your face with food.
Buying books nowadays is so easy. One of my favourites is Big Bad Wolf Official Store in Shopee. 

Convenient, attractive prices and a wide selection of books for the whole family. 

7. One Piece Swimwear

Don't forget to pack your swimwear in case you decided to finally emerge from the room, swim, or soak up the sun by the pool.

8. Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen

Image: Unsplash

If you are going to lounge by the pool, sunscreen is a must to protect you from damaging UV rays.

Well, actually, you should use sunscreen every day even if you are indoors.

Find out 12 Best Drugstore Sunscreen in Malaysia for all skin types

9. A Chic Wrap Dress

What's not to love about wrap dress?

They are versatile, perfect for any occasion, stylish, and figure flattering. In fact, every woman should have one!

Read 10 Reasons Every Woman Should Own A Wrap Dress

And you should pack one for your hotel staycation too. It's so versatile and can be worn to dinner in the hotel restaurant, to brunch, to the pool, to the mall next to the hotel, a quick errand.

Basically, anywhere!

šŸ˜ SHEIN has a wide selection of pretty chic wrap dresses.

šŸ˜ Shop for LOVITO Floral Wrap Dress on Shopee

10. Pretty But Also Comfy Sandals

Your feet need some love too. 

Pack along a comfy, functional, and lightweight sandal that allows your feet to breathe but is stylish enough to match your staycation outfits.

Read: 16 Cute And Comfortable Summer Shoes

Bags all packed? Let's go!


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