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Tons of Kuih Picture To Make You Drool

Kuih and I, we go wayyy back. It's the ultimate unconditional love.

LOVE them. All shapes and sizes. Sweet or savoury. 

When we were little, elders in the family would came back from the market, always coming back with kuih. 

That is enough to make us happy and go "Yeayyyy!! ada kuih!!". 

Buying kuih is also the highlight of grocery shopping in the Sunday market.

I can't contain my excitement when I see a stall selling kuih and somebody has to restraint me before I go broke buying kuih. 

Kalau boleh dengan payung dia sekali sis beli.

Rambang mata. 

Lepas tu balik rumah, buat teh O, duduk di meja makan, makan kuih sambil berborak dengan family. 

That is happiness. 

Kalau pergi bazaar ramadhan, tidak payah cakap lah. Silap-silap organizer tu letak tiara crown kat kepala iols "Ratu Kuih Bazaar Ramadhan."


Here's some of my favourite kuih. Cik Panda confirm lepas baca post ni, ramai la yang pegi mencari kuih hari ni. Miahaha.

Pictures are all sourced from Google and I do not own any of these pictures.

Angku kueh. I like all types of fillings: Mung bean, red bean. All. Just give me all.

Kuih lapis. Who else like to peel it layer by layer?

Apam balik crispy version. Sweet, crunchy and nutty. Just hits the right spot.

I love these chai kueh. Savoury and filling
Ohhh cucur udang...sedapnyaaa
Cakoi. So oily yet so yummy
Kuih lenggang - little green coconut rolls. The skin is soft and when you bite into it, you will get this burst of sweet caramelized coconut filling

Apam beras/nasi. 
Don't know what it's called. I've not had this for a VERYYYY long time
Bingka ubi. Nyum nyummm
Apam balik. The ultimate comfort kuih. Sweet, nutty, crunchy and soft. Best taken when its still warm.
The classic kuih, karipap.
Kuih kosui

I really loved this. Bak cang..
Kuih penjaram/topi. Klasik 
Kuih Seri Muka.
Vadai/ Cucur Rodey. Nutty, savoury and filling
My late granny used to make this and traditionally served during gawai.
Fried Radish Cake
Steamed Radish Cake.
Paling susah mau cari kuih ni. Sedapnyaaa kucai tu
Han Chi Peng/ 5 Spice Kuih. Masa sekolah selalu makan ni. Sekarang susah mo cari ni.

Pisang goreng. Paling klasik. Kalau di Sarawak, selalunya pisang yang masak ranum orang pakai utk buat pisang goreng, jadi pisang goreng dia lembik tapi manis. Kalau di sini semenanjung, diorang guna pisang yang kurang masak.

Oh kuih, I love you sooo much!


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