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I wish i looked like that when it happened but no. My hair was a mess, my face was sweaty and oily and i was wearing a flip-flop. And my car definitely is not a BMW... |
So last weekend, a friend of mine and her little family came over from Kuching for a short holiday. My friend, Anne and I then took them to Melaka. The journey down to Melaka was smooth and uneventful. We went sight-seeing, window shop in the malls and Jonker Street and stayed a night there.
The next day, we went to the zoo. It was a scorching hot day and everywhere was crowded. Thankfully we found a parking as soon as we arrived, had our lunch before going to the zoo. We then depart to KL. Just a few kilometers after Tol Ayer Keroh, my dear old-poor car overheated. We stop at the emergency lane and let it cool for a while. My friend's husband, John, got into action.Thank God we have a guy in the car. I cannot imagine what will happen if all girls were in the car. We wouldn't know what to do. Thank God we have a bottle of water in the car too.
After a few minutes, came Polis Bantuan PLUS Ronda from nowhere. One personnel got down and asked us what's wrong. After checking that we did not need serious help, he got back in their ride but stayed behind us. After a while, we continued our journey. But only after a few kilometers, the car overheated again.We got into Simpang Alor Gajah and parked our car. Konon mau bagi sejuk. Nasib baik ada tandas, bergelen2 air kami tuang.
Semua benda John check. Sekali tengok minyak hitam hampir kering. Salah saya juga la lupa mau check minyak hitam before jalan jauh..sebab tinggal 1000km lagi mau hantar pegi servis, jadi saya assume tiada apa2 la. Mana la saya tau dia hampir kering macam tu. Setengah jam jugala kami stranded di parking tu. Nasib baik tidak jauh dari sana ada petrol station. Jadi kami pergilah beli minyak hitam sana. Stranded lagi lebih setengah jam mau bagi enjin sejuk.
Bila agak2 sudah okay, kami teruskan perjalanan. Berfikiran positif la konon all is well. Sekali tengok sama jugak. Stranded lagi depan tol Alor Gajah. Kali ni kami betul2 buntu tidak tau sudah apa mau buat. Worse come to worse, mau panggil tow service, hantar di bengkel dan tinggalkan. Kebetulan masa tu, ada kawan2 yang pergi visiting di Melaka. Called them and asked for help. Sementara tunggu diorang datang tu, datang la Polis Bantuan PLUS Ronda yang awal tadi.
"Aik...Rosak lagi? Kitorang dah pusing2 Tangkak, Ayer Keroh kemudian datang balik sini..Ada lagi kat sini?"
I did not get his name. Dia check punya check, rupa2nya belting rosak. Patutla overheated. Bergelen2 air ka minyak hitam kami tuang pun tiada kesan kalau macam tu. John yang lelaki pun tidak tau. Saya yang perempuan ni lagilah. hehe.
"Masalah kecik je ni. You dah kira nasib baik. Tadi ronda ada 6-7 enjin/radiator rosak teruk. Pecah semua etc. Nasib baik yang ni masalah kecik. Lain kali kalau ada masalah, boleh call nombor kat belakang tiket tol tu, mintak bantuan PLUS ronda."
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Thank you PLUS Ronda. You are the best! |
Nasib baik ada Polis Bantuan PLUS Ronda tu. Nasib baik ada John. Nasib baik ada bengkel bukak hari sabtu cuti umum. Nasib baik kami bertolak awal dari Melaka. Nasib baik si kecik Joel tidak banyak meragam. Thank God nothing really bad happen.
Selama ni kalau berjalan jauh tidak pernah jadi macam ni. Oh well, there is always a first time for everything.
1. Check minyak hitam sebelum jalan jauh
2. Kalau kereta rosak di highway, call PLUS Ronda. Free of charge.
Lesson learnt.
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