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We Love Asia 2.0: Girls Night Out

Finally it's the weekend. It's not just a mere weekend. It's THE weekend of partayyy and i've got tickets for the two days. 

Jasmine and i went for the 1st day as another 2 friends couldn't make it. There were 3 stages with different DJ's and you can go to any stage that you like. The highlight for today was Pitbull and DJ Antoine. Pitbull was A.W.E.S.O.M.E! and now i'm officially a big fan. He's energetic, charming and sexy. Oh and his dancers were super hot and his musician was amazing. Everyone agreed it was a great show. I didn't take any photos as we were too busy enjoying the show. and dancing. 

On the 2nd day, all four of us are geared up for a great time. It was raining heavily in the evening but thankfully it stop for a while when we were on the way...then it started to drizzle while we were there. Walaupun hujan, kami tetap bersemangat tegar untuk bergembira. Have you danced in the rain? We have and it was pretty amazing. My PIC and i were very excited when Stacy and Mizz Nina performed while Jasmine and Shela i swear were trying to hide their faces in embarrassment of being associated with two over-excited girls. I've always observed that most Malaysian fans were always quite rigid/dead when watching performances/concert. They either record the show with their gadgets or stand with their arms wrapped around their bodies. Very few sang along or dance or at least sway to the music. Kalau saya jadi artis tu, mesti saya tidak bersemangat mau perform sebab tiada feed back dari audience. 

Well anyway, we then moved to the main stage where Inna was performing. She was amazing! Then Taboo Black Eyes Peas got on stage. The rain got heavier, we danced harder. Everyone was wet and sweaty. Macam2 bau ada. Paling tidak boleh tahan, bau ketiak. PIC said "Muka tidak hensem tidak apa, janji ketiak tidak busuk." True that. There were a few cheeky guys who thought that they can get on with us. Most get it when we push them and said no while a few were insistent. Some guys just have that i-can-get-any-girls-that-i-want attitude. 

We left quite late and had really late supper in a mamak shop, chit-chatting and laughing like mad. Sweaty smelly bodies aside, we girls had an amazing time. 

Photos credit to Shela :)


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