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Dear Girlfriends.....

I have known a lot of ladies who think they need someone to complete them and make them happy. Some compromised a lot and sacrificed so much of themselves to be in a relationship. Sadly some changed the person they are, the way they dress, even friends they mingle with just because the man in their life ask them to.

Do not put your happiness in the hands of others. Happiness is a journey,not a destination. It is always up to us to make ourselves happy. If you are constantly wanting to be in a relationship to be happy or less lonely, you are going to be really disappointed. 

Be happy with the person you are. If the one you are with now constantly make you feel worthless, maybe you are in a wrong relationship. Learn to love yourself. If you are not happy with the person you are now, how can you expect others to love you?

This is a really nice song by Alicia Keys - Girl On Fire. Dedicated to all my girlfriends :)

Remember, you are beautiful and wonderful the way you are. Do not let anyone make you feel otherwise. Cocktails anyone?


  1. Good post. I particularly like this phrase: "Happiness is a journey,not a destination."

    1. I was like dat, when I was in college i had this stupid inferiority thing that I was so afraid being single. Becos of this stupidity i ended up with wrong guys. Shit.

      Then he came along, my soulmate. Next month is our 13th wedding anniversary. :D

    2. Awww that is so sweet! Congratulations in advance on your 13th wedding anniversary :)

  2. Replies
    1. I wanted to reply ur comment the other day but when i log in, tengok2 dah takda. i thought u deleted it.


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