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Friday Feels: Why Some People Feel They Are So Entitled?

 Friday Feels: Why Some People Feel They Are So Entitled?

I'm sure you have come across people who are entitled. 

Some people wear their sense of entitlement like a crown—they’re rude, demanding, and angry when things don’t go exactly their way.

They are more likely to create conflict, behave dishonestly, and act selfishly.

Honestly, I despised them. 

And dealing with entitled customers or clients is a nightmare because, they’re rude and go out of their way to show that they’re dominant and superior when dealing with people they perceive to be below them, like service workers or customer support.

Sometimes I just cannot brain how someone can be so rude and entitled. 

There is an old saying that goes "kecik-kecik tak nak mampus, dah besar menyusahkan orang". 

Biar buruk rupa, jangan buruk perangai giteww sis.

4 Signs Of Entitled People

1. They Think They Are Better Than You

They think are better, superior, more important than others. 

Have you ever come across someone who says "Don't you know who I am? I'm Dato XXX"

Yeah, that person is most likely a self-entitled baboon.

Entitled people are rude and dominant to others who they think are below them. And because they think they are better than everyone, so they are mostly rude to everyone.

2. They Hold Double Standard For Themselves And Others

Entitled individuals think they deserve more than other people. 

They demand others to meet their needs but they refuse to try to understand the needs of others, even if they are aware of this need.


Their own agenda is what is most important and they believe others should meet it — not the other way around

3. They Don't Play Fair 

Playing fair means equality and they can't comprehend equality because, in their self-grandiosity, they are better than others. 

Entitled people struggle to compromise, negotiate, follow rules, wait for their turn, or take one for the team. They don’t apologize.

4. They Believe Their Rudeness And Anger Is Always Justified

When they got angry, they believe they have a right to get angry. 

Why Are They Like This?

Entitlement is a narcissistic personality trait

People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) have an inflated sense of self and need attention/admiration from others. Lots and lots of attention.

Do you sometimes internally scream "attention seeker" when dealing with certain people?

Know that they could be a narcissist

The exact reason why someone could be so entitled is not known but some contributing social factors include:
  • The way their parents treated them
  • The environment they grew up in
  • Whether adults solved their problem for them
  • How are they treated by authority figures
*spoilt child alert! I'm looking at you, snowflakes generation.

Children who are always given what they want and are not required to earn rewards for good behavior generally become adults who expect others to cave to their demands.

Additionally, it could also be because of a personality disorder, usually NPD.

They Are Actually Unhappy (and insecure)

Surprise, surprise!

Or were you not surprised at all? I know I'm not.

Usually, people who are rude, obnoxious, overall negative are often unhappy people. 

Entitled people are repeatedly exposed (or rather, exposing themselves) to feeling frustrated, disappointed, and unhappy with life.

Here's an example:

An entitled person thinks they deserved XX because they are better/special, but when they don't get XX, they are angry and frustrated because "I DESERVED IT!"

It's a vicious cycle of unmet expectations, frustrations, and disappointment that manifests as anger.

Not a great strategy to live life if you ask me. 


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