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Why Do We Spend Our Whole Lives Trying To Lose Weight?

Do you ever feel that you have spent your whole life always trying to lose weight, always trying to go back to your body before?

I have. Here is my confession.

I've been on this losing & maintaining weight train since I was 16 years old. I was so overweight and ugly then, a 70kg 15 years old. 

Being an unattractive & overweight teenager is a traumatizing experience. Lol. But hey, it shaped the person who I am today. Sis cuba be positive.

Anyway, since then, honestly I've never stop trying to lose more weight even after all this years! I was sensible enough not to starve myself but I've always kept on eye on things I eat, how much I eat and when I eat them. 

Always limiting and seldom indulging. I rarely eat until I'm full, just not hungry. Well except 2 weeks before period, I'm hungry every 2 hours no matter how much i eat. 

Always been exercising since 16. Never I let myself totally slacking.

And somehow, it's still not enough.

I will be still trying to lose weight, trying to go back to my previous size/ weight, trying to go against my age & metabolism. And like a devil incarnate, my weight sneakily creeps up.

Well not exactly obese, but precariously on being overweight (as per BMI scale).

Why do we live on this hope? The hope of losing weight

Keeping clothes that doesn't fit anymore, hoping to fit into it one day. Bagus derma saja sebab macam ada makhluk ghaib yang jahit pakaian tu sebab tu macam makin hari makin tidak muat. Haha.

Of people around me trying to go back to 50kg. What grown woman with boobs & ass can be 50kg?!?! 

Why do we want to go back to our 20's weight, when majority of us is still underdeveloped and malnourished?

Ai also kenot brain sis.

Why do we keep trying to diet? To restrict ourselves from the joy of eating?

Tidak makan pun tidak juga pandai kurus-kurus, bagus kita makan saja kan? Bwahahaha.

Why can't we learn to be happy with our current size instead of always hoping to go back to our pre-married/ pre-pregnancy/ pre-relationship/ pre-30's size?

Why do we have this mindset that "I'll be happier/prettier/beautiful/look better/ feel better/more successful if I'm xx kg?"

There is this constant pressure around us to be on diet or to lose weight, to be skinnier. 

There is this someone I know, who to me, has a healthy weight, not obese, not even a fat roll in sight. She might be almost 60kg but she is smaller than some who are 50kg!

She looks absolutely fine to me.

People around her and her society deemed being skinny and fair as beautiful and people always commented on her weight, of how she has put on weight.

Come on people, what is wrong with your eyes!?!?! She is perfectly healthy!!

Pressured, she then embarked on this weight loss journey. 

Can you imagine how miserable she is? A hardcore foodie that have to restrict food that give her so much joy? 

If you have been in the same boat like many of us do, then maybe you can ask yourself this question

"Why do you want to lose weight?"

Is it for health reasons? Or I just want to look good? So I wear nicer clothes? So I will be more confident/ beautiful/ prettier?

Then this next question

"Do you want to lose weight or lose fat?"

Losing weight does not always mean losing fat. And understand that when you lose fat, it does not necessarily translate to weight loss. 

When the number on the scale is going down, what is really going on? Every time you lose weight, you lose some percentage of fat and lean body weight (i.e., muscle).

You don't want to lose muscle because it is a metabolically active tissue. It helps you to burn calorie and very important for long term weight maintenance.

Chronic dieting and weight loss attempts are a predictor of weight gain over the long haul - Read more HERE

I may not be losing weight even after all these years of exercising (in fact gaining them), but what I gained is strength. 

During my last trip home, I was so proud of myself that I'm able to lift my gila berat punya nephew, angkat tong gas masuk hilux, angkat pasu bunga berat, selamba angkat 2 bag beras 10kg without breaking a sweat, not even muscle sprain or soreness.

In the office, we have this water dispenser that have to be changed once it is empty. Normally, we would ask strong guys to help change it, but nope, I can carry that 19kg water bottle. No fuss baby!

I might not be skinny but I'm proud of how strong I've become. 

So next time you ask why I gained weight, I might punch you really hard because now I'm stronger. Lols.


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