Orang ni menyemakkan hidup iols mulanya kat SINI, SINI, SINI, SINI.
Maigawd. Berepisod, berseason-season persis drama melayu.
Lama-lama iols boleh jadi gila melayan manusia kurang kasih sayang macam ni tau.
Setelah diceramah oleh iols lagi sekali tentang memberi ruang dan masa, 2 hari kemudian dia text lagi
"Hey. Sorry ganggu. Nak tanya u, joint dekat siku and shoulder I rasa kering2. Apa I kena buat? Nak workout rasa tak selesa"
So iols rekomenlah kan glucosamine and fish oil.
And then dia buat loyar buruk pasal fish oil capsule, "Telan terus, jgn pecah dalam mulut sudah"
Iols memang tak bolehlah berkomunikasi dengan dia ni, I found him more and more annoying.
"Mcm mana blh pecah pakcik oi. Telan je bukan kunyah"
"Mana tau, tersangkut masa nak telan tu ke..then tergigit terus. Sedangkan lidah dan gigi pun berselisih."
Whatever. So iols abaikan and tak yah la reply kan. Annoying. Daripada iols bergaduh, marah, baik iols diamkan diri.
Keesokkan tengah malamnya, dia anta emoticon sedih kat iols.
"Ye kenapa?"
"Wow. Didn't expect you to reply at this hour. Nothing btw. Biasa la i."
"U really cannot leave me alone can't you. Tak bosan ke text i hari-hari?"
"U kalau in the middle of something i taknak kaco. Nak bosan nape. U maki hamun I mcm mayah tu nnt bosanlah. Padahal baru semalam je text. Acah I text U tiap2 hari. Malas ahh"
Elehhhh. Lagi mau sentap. memang betul pun dia text iols tiap-tiap hari walaupun iols tak reply.
"Sebenarnya kenapa dengan u ni? U buat apa dkt mayah sampai dia maki hamun u?" - message sent at 12.48am.
Dia reply 4.47am
"Kalau I cerita pun u takkan faham, sorry la banyak ganggu masa u. I pun dah move on, malas nak ingat balik. But for sure i know my worth now and that woman never deserve me at the first place. Bye."
eehhh tibah nak sentap. Memang iols tak reply la kan.
Nampak tak betapa tak stabilnya emosi dia ni? Betapa mentalnya dia?
That was what pushes my limit because I realized that it's a vicious cycle.
Dia akan mula text, lepas tu dia akan sentap, lepas tu dia akan mintak maaf, lepas tu repeat lagi sampai mampsssss.
And then iols taktau la dia delete number iols ke block whatsapp iols ke sebab display picture dengan status dia hilang.
Good! Iols bergembira dan membuat tarian mengelilingi api seketika.
Tetapi tiba-tiba dia private message kat IG pulak.
"I minta maaf. I tak patut snap kt u semalam. U've done a lot for me. I should be thankful for that. Sorry for being annoying handsome creature."
Iols bagi satu emoticon thumbs-up.
"I'm really sorry ya. I know I'm crazy and all. Kalau u takde i rasa i gila terus kot. U take care."
Iols seen je la kan.
Kemudian dia anta lagi message "Afternoon. U da makan ke?"
-seen no reply-
"U, marah kat I lagi ke? :( minta maaf la u. I tak patut sentap dengan u that night"
-seen no reply-
"Good morning. Have a good day at work ya."
-seen no reply-
Malam tu pulak dia cuba mintak simpati hantar emoticon sedih. Mestilah iols ignore.
"I sedih sangat bila u buat tak tahu kat I. Sumpah I sedih u..I xde sapa2 nak bagi semangat kat I. Even my mom pun say something yg jatuhkan semangat I lately. U dgn nenek i yg cakap baik2 dkt I and bgi semangat kt I. No one else, I sedih yg amat sgt mlm nie"
Yes, I'm nice. but nice people have their limit too and I've reached my limit.
Iols kan gataaalllll je tangan nak reply sound dia setepek tau tapi mak hayam iols cakap
"JANGAN. abaikan si gila tu"
Iols pun tak tau apa dia nak sebenarnya. He doesn't even want to help himself, why would I want to continue to help people like this?
I'm not the selfish one here, he is. Can you see how he is sucking my energy? He is LEECHING on me to fill in a void that nobody on earth can fill. EXCEPT HIMSELF but this is something that he refuses to acknowledge.
He is such a "The Victim".
Expecting me to save him, like it is my responsibility to rescue him or solve his problem.
Ye memang mak weols ajar tolong mereka yang memerlukan tapi ada masanya weols kena jadi bijak/jahat.
They may think that they arenāt doing you any harm, but there is only so much negativity you can listen to before it will begin to rub off on your own mood and you too will succumb to the destructive force of negative energy.
I rest my case. It's time I walk out and cut my ties with this toxic emotional vampire mental clingy needy and kurang kasih sayang.
"#4: Emotional Vampire: May have very little in their own lives
Often emotional vampires have a limited set of friendships and family commitments or their work lives are small and unfulfilling. Sometimes people who take up a lot of your time and energy are just trying to fill their own lives, which need attention. Itās sad and these people do require help, but you canāt be the cheer squad for another personās life ā they need to do it themselves."
Do you have emotional vampires in your life? Read how to identify them HERE and HERE or maybe HERE. I find THIS really good too.
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