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Showing posts from November, 2013

Girls Talk: Is Dating A Good-Looking Guy Worth It?

*Speechless* We all like to look at someone good-looking. We all drool at them, we fantasize about them. You would be lying if you never wonder what it feels like to have a good-looking, gorgeous, handsome boyfriend/husband. I did. I always did.  Macam mana la rasa kalau ada boyfriend/husband handsome? Untung la kalau ada boyfriend/husband handsome. Persoalannya, untung ka ada boyfriend/husband handsome? One of the thing about being with someone good-looking is it gave you an ego boost. There is something tangible about showing him off to everyone. something like "omg. how did you nail him? He's like the most eligible bachelor on earth! How lucky." Kembang hidung. It would be great if only a few peopleā€”trustworthy friends, important relatives, ex-boyfriendsā€”could see how beautiful your other half is. Unfortunately, thatā€™s not the case, and there are lots of other women, women who are more beautiful than you are, brazenly flirt with your man. Oh you know how co...

Tea-riffic! Benefits of Drinking Black Tea

Most of us are aware that there are many benefits of drinking green tea. Read this previous post on health benefits of green tea HERE . How about black tea then? Does it have any health benefit? Personally i prefer black tea over green tea because of it's stronger flavour and its so versatile: Teh O ais, teh ais, teh tarik, three layered tea, bubble milk tea. But of course to maximize the health benefits, it is not recommended to add sugar or cream. But mehh..some tea is better than no tea at all. Both green and black tea are made from a shrub called Camellia Sinesis, but with different processing methods. In addition to the leaves being withered, rolled and heated, black tea leaves are fermented before the final heating process. 1. Oral Health: Studies suggests that Polyphenols found in black tea reduces plaque formation as well as restricts bacteria growth that promotes the formation of cavities and tooth decays. 2. A Better Heart:  Regardless of peopleā€™s countr...

A Taste of Home: Lun Bawang Cruisine

So the other night, a friend of Joel, Adam, invited us along to this new eatery in Equine Park, Sri Kembangan to try Lun Bawang food. Uniten Borneo students celebrated their big success in the campus sales the day before. They sold Laksa Sarawak and Three Layer Tea and sold out thrice! D'Saveur was hidden among row of new shophouses behind Giant Equine Park. It's a family-run business and is still quite new. Besides serving authentic Lun Bawang cruisines, they also have cupcakes. So what did we had? Traditional Lun Bawang food. The best for me has got to be the pucuk ubi and pucuk paku. Taste just like home.  My favourite has got to be this pucuk ubi tumbuk. Sedap! the closest to the one i had at home. Luba 'Laya = soft cooked rice wrapped it banana leaves. To be eaten with other dishes. It's a bit like caked porridge, mushy but i like it! Ayam Pansuh.   I couldn't find any information about this place on the net. too bad....

Can I Exercise When I'm On My Period?

Was chatting to Lady of Leisure in the gym the other day and she asked me this question "Can i exercise when i'm on my period?" Aha! A good idea for a post eh? There are a lot of myth and questions surrounding this topic. Should i exercise when i'm on period? Will exercise make it stop or flow heavier? Will it make my cramps worse? Is it safe? Not only is it safe to exercise while you're on your period, it can actually be beneficial. Working out while you're menstruating can lessen some of the unpleasant side effects.  While you may be a bit uncomfortable at the beginning of a workout due to fatigue, bloating and cramps, you'll feel better once you exercise. Exercise can actually help to relieve pain and give you more energy.  That's because exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and help to elevate your mood.  Listen to your own body. Donā€™t push yourself too hard. If you...

Betul Ke Cik Panda Sexy?

Yeah. Tajuk topik yang bisa menyebabkan muntah hijau. But bear with me till the end and see if you still wanted to vomit at the end of the post.  Being sexy is subjective. Different people have their different perception of what being sexy means. For me, being sexy is not about the clothes you wear. It's more about your attitude, your confidence and how you carry yourself.  Someone who is confident in who she is will exude sexiness whatever she wear because she is comfortable in her own skin and with who she is.  Someone with a perfect figure, barring her cleavage and other bits and pieces would not look sexy if she is insecure with herself.  Disini tiada tujuan untuk memuji diri tapi orang selalu cakap saya sexy.  Orang cakap, bukan saya cakap ahh. Most guys i came across said that.  Some are quite polite, some are downright honest and said things like  "Have anyone told you that just by looking at you, you turn them on?" or  "T...

The Road Towards Nonjudgmentality

We are all judgmental. Including me. Being judgmental is probably human nature but that does not make it okay to do so, looking down on others and think we are so much better than them.  In judgment, thereā€™s an element of dissatisfaction with the way things are and a desire to have things be the way we want them to be. Have you done this? You saw someone, and based on their looks or actions,  pass judgment on them. Usually without even knowing the person.  We donā€™t make an effort to get to know the person, or understand them, or see whether our judgment was right or not. What happens when we pass judgment on people we do know? We see something they do, and get angry at it, or disappointed in the person, or think worse of them. We judge, without understanding. And thatā€™s the end of it ā€” we donā€™t try to find out more. I'm guilty of both scenarios and embarking myself on the journey towards nonjudgmentality. Its not an easy one. I have to remind myself everyday t...

The Beautiful Malacca

St Paul's Church Malacca is probably my third favourite city. My first time visiting this amazing place was when i was 14 for a youth camp and has been visiting Malacca for countless times now. Day trips with friends or families,countless programs and courses over the years. It's probably that few coins i threw into the old well or an empty tomb on St Paul's Hill. Oh you know what they say about throwing coins and you'll come visit that place again someday. I love the old historical buildings, The Stadhuys, the architecture and colours of the building.  I love the food, the vibrancy of the town.  So the other day, my mum and younger sis was in town and we drove down to Malacca for a day trip.  14 years ago, those tall buildings were not there. It's kinda sad that a historical place like this is surrounded by modern malls and hotels. All in the name of progress i guess. The girl who thinks she is a professional dancer... R...

Chilling Old Man Style

Chilling Old Man Style Sangria and..and..i forgot what my friend had. This was during the first time i was here I first heard of Tom, Dick and Harry's Live @ Pavilion KL from a friend who recommended it.  So decided to check it out and now it became my favourite place to go on Friday night.  It has a great ambiance, serves amazing cocktails, and a wide selection of beer, liquor, and other drinks to choose from.  Personally, this is a great place to meet your friends for a night out of drinking, eating, chatting, watch their live bands while people-watching.  To see and to be seen.  So the other night, because the next day was public holiday and because we did not want to spend holiday eve at home, I suggested we hang out at Tom, Dick, and Harry's.  Food, drinks and great music.  This duo was amazing! and they sang Christmas songs too. Ain't she gorgeous?  They served pork dishes too with the menu written on blackboard and hun...

Pucuk Ubi Tumbuk Goreng Belacan

photo credit to I like it so much that i have to write an entry about it. haha. and no, i'm not sharing any recipe in this entry. Pucuk ubi tumbuk or dowon bandung poh in Bidayuh is my number one favourite food in the world. It's the number one thing i request when i'm back in hometown. Well actually, i love pucuk ubi however you cooked it but the best has to be pucuk ubi tumbuk goreng belacan. I guess that you can change and adapt to suit your surrounding but deep inside, i'm still a Bidayuh girl. Eh, Iban-Bidayuh. A pucuk-ubi-fanatic-Dayak.  My dear friend Florence always cooked this whenever we have gathering. Little snippets of home :) My aunty made the best pucuk ubi goreng. She knew how i liked it. I've tried cooking it but..edible but lack of upmmh. like something is missing. Mungkinkah masakan saya itu kurang kasih sayang? So nah, i'll just ask her to cook it for me when i'm home.  Bila ada pucuk ubi tum...

Life Is Not A Race

Or a competition for that matter. Have you ever stop and think that for the whole of our lives, we have been competing with others? It's like a race. We have to outdo one another. We have to be better than someone else. We have to reach a certain milestones by certain age. When we were in school, we were encouraged and pushed to achieve excellence academically. To get the highest mark for Math, to get the most A's in exams. The ones who did not measure up were thought as a failure. It does not matter that if they are talented in something else like sports or arts. Schools emphasized on competitiveness, leadership, strive for excellence but what about character building? Like honesty or compassion or integrity? When we are adults, the list goes on. Everyone seems to be competing for everything. The highest paying job, the biggest car, the fanciest house. Sometimes it's something superficial like wanting to be more beautiful, slimmer or buffer than another person...

The Girl-Who's-Obviously-A-Professional-Dancer

Remember the girl i mentioned in my previous post of how she made everyone look bad in fitness classes? So the other day i was attending Flavour class in the gym where we mainly do basic Latin dance. This time we were doing cha cha. Naturally she would be there and between classes, she would stay in the studio and do her stretches and split and ballet-ish stuff.  I though cha cha was easy but this instructor made it quite hard that even the girl couldn't catch up. In between break, the instructor chats with her and the rest of us listens. She never really smile or talks to anyone at the gym though. The closest she does is bagi jelingan maut.  So it turns out that she has been dancing for 15 years...Aaaahh that figures. Then she was saying she preferred social salsa or something like that, what she doesn't like and whole loads of other dance stuff. Miss Lady of Leisure and i looked at each other and smile... Aahh that moment when you and your friend look at each oth...

Girls Talk:Confession Of A Gym Member

One of my 2013 resolution was to join a dance class but i ended up joining a fitness center instead. Simply because it's near to my place and they have zumba, aerobics/cardio dance and MTV dance workout. Close enough. So i've been attending their classes religiously for a month and a half now. My guy friends i found to say, quite skeptical. One guy said "Tidak payah la ko pegi gym tu. Sama ja badan ko saya nampak" Another one 'lovingly' said " Kenapa ko selalu pegi gym, sama juga besar badan ko saya nampak?" Losing weight might not be my main motivation to join a gym. Ada la juga sikit2 kan. But when you reached certain age, losing weight is not as easy when you are 18. For me, its more to maintaining my weight. I love food, i love fried food. I think it's quite miserable to live but not eating and merely surviving on carrot sticks because you are calorie-phobic. I exercised so that i can eat fried chicken or chips or ice crea...