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Our gorgeous gorgeous pool in Bali. Apa kaitan saya pun tidak tau |
Last few weeks have been quite overwhelming to say the least. Remember I told you about my final thesis presentation? Well, thank God I passed with minor correction. It truly is my labour of love. Took me quite a number of years to complete my masters but I'm proud with myself because there were days where I thought I couldn't make it. I'm truly indebted to those who have help and guide me directly or indirectly.
Few days after the presentation, I was transferred to another outlet. So I have to figure ways to get to work, to build up chemistry with the new team and familiarize myself with the customer's demographic in the new place.
I was due to fly to Bali for a vacation and realized that my passport is expiring soon. Anyone who has renewed their passport before knew how hectic and crowded it is in Immigration office. There were ssssoooo many people and their system decided to crash while I was there. Daaanggg. But luckily I managed to renew it before I need to rush off for work.
So now, presentation? Checked. New work environment? Checked. Bali? Checked.
Will post about Bali soon.
Anyway, I met Mr. Hunk a few weeks ago. He was looking at my bikini pics and all he said was
"Fat. There's fat here. You have back fat. Here's thin (my ribs) but you need to do triceps and back exercise."
Like I care.
I can see how he judge and view people is how he judged and viewed himself. He only looks on the physical aspect. He will only feel great about himself if he's in tip top condition. Physically. He's cranky and down if he lost muscle weight and became a little flabby. One comment about his physical appearance will send him into a web of depression.
What he couldn't see was how determined and hard working he is because he was too busy concentrating on his biceps, abs and glutes.
While I was in the gym the other day, a personal trainer I know and the gym consultant came and talked to me while I was huffing and puffing on the treadmill. And they said
"You need to do weight training."
Sometimes I wonder why I put myself through this.
I had fun working with the new team. We worked and have fun at the same time. Senang cakap, satu kepala semua. So our supervisor is this kind of lelaki mulut laser but super funny. So we were talking about gay and how most gays are rich, successful, very good looking and super hunky. And I quote him, the straight guys are
"Yang keje pomen2, mekanik, muka pecah rumah...haaa tu straight. So korang sekarang ni kene bersaing dgn shemale plak. Shemale sekarang lagi cantik dari perempuan. Kulit halusssss je. Korang pegi la ambik injection Vit C dgn glutathione tu. Bagi cantik kulit."
Sabo je la weolsss. Tak kuasa mak.

And then we were talking about flirts and how the married or unavailable, not so good looking guys are flirtier than single, good looking guys.
"Dah suami orang, nak mengorat orang. Dah la bini tengah pantang. Kalau hensem takpe, ni muka pecah rumah. Demanding plak tu. Nak ngorat pilih yg cantik2 je. Rumah takde cermin ke?!"
Paling tidak tahan ni, rupa ke laut tapi demanding nak pasangan yang cantik.
We also come to a conclusion, lelaki macam mana rupa dorang sekalipun, muka pecah rumah ka muka rumah tidak siap ka, mesti ada girlfriend. Perempuan, secantik Miss World ka Bidadari pun, belum tentu ada boyfriend.
You get what I'm saying?
Kesimpulannya, prempuan tidak memilih rupa.
Most of the time I also wonder, why is it that something you know is forbidden and bad for you is so hard to resist?
Things like fried foods, chocolate cakes, sugar, coffee, alcohol or someone's boyfriend/husband.
uhh.. panasss.. hahhahha. but we r human and we want things that are bad for us. That is the f*king truth. lol. and honey.. we have similarity.. i hate weight lifting,, can i just run.. and run.. hahahha