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Feeling Pretty Blah? You Could Be Languishing

Feeling Pretty Blah? You Could Be Languishing

Image: Unsplash/ Camila Quintero

Been feeling pretty blah lately.

Like in a rut, generally feeling like "I just have to get through this week". 

yeah, but get through to where? There is nothing to look forward to. Week after week, month after month, it's the same. 

Naturally, I scoured the net looking for answers and came across HALT, which stands for: Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired, a quick way to assess your feelings.

Does it help to identify why am I feeling this way?

Nope. Still feeling blah. 

Like this person, Sagarika Sinha, an avid runner, who suddenly lost interest in running. ā€œI'm doing okay. I am not sad or depressed, but there is this feeling of dejection that is looming over me,ā€ she says.

Yup, this feeling. Have you experienced it?

Then I found out that there's a fancy word for this, Languishing ~ feeling somewhat joyless and aimless. 

That's pretty much what I'm feeling. It's like, nothing is wrong but nothing is right either.

You get me?

Apparently, it's because of chronic daily stress that causes emotional exhaustion. 

And according to this article, lack of energy is one of the biggest side-effects of languishing.

I've been complaining about feeling exhausted and drained all the time like why am I so tired. Am I anemic or something?

Why am I feeling meh all the time? could it be because I'm lacking a sense of progress or accomplishment?

Is it pandemic PTSD? But the pandemic is 2 years ago. 

Well, whatever it is, languishing is a rising mental health issue. Although society is starting to open up about mental health, there is still stigma and discomfort around it. 

Sometimes, friends and family aren't too comfortable talking about it. Probably because they don't know what to do, what to say or how to help someone with mental health issue?

Would you be comfortable talking about it with your health care provider? Do you think they will take it seriously?

My past few experiences with GP, although not related to mental health, weren't exactly positive. 

I rarely got sick and when I do end up in a clinic, it's really because I'm actually quite unwell. But I feel like these GPs were just treating physical symptoms, pretty robotic, lacking in empathy and human touch.

Do you agree that most of us prefer a doctor that listens and understands?

Tiber complaint pasal GP sis. 

So anyway, back to languishing. If you are also experiencing the same thing, you must think, "Now what? Is there anything I can do to stop feeling like this?"

Good news is there are a lot of things you can do but the bad news is, they are so very varied and some of the suggestions are anxiety-inducing for an introvert or HSP

I mean, socializing? Volunteering for community activities? Emmm..good intention but I think I'll pass..*breathing heavily*

If you, like me, prefer not to socialize, below are several things you can do to cope with languishing.

Introvert/HSP Guide On How To Cope With Feeling Blah 

1. Journaling

Image: Unsplash/ Ashlyn Ciara

When our mind is all jumbled up, it's difficult to make sense of anything.

Get your thoughts and feelings on paper. It's a great way to "brain-dump" your anxieties, frustrations and pains. 

Judgement-free zone. 

2. Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Image: Unsplash/ Rifqi Ali

Explore your creativity. Create something. Find new hobbies that allow you to express yourself. 

3. Learn New Skills

Image: Unsplash/ Kelly Sikkema

Learning something new helps you to feel motivated and establish small goals that could build up a sense of accomplishment.

The best thing is, you can do it from the comfort of your home. No socializing is required. Yay. 

4. Vary Your Daily Routine

Image: Unsplash/ Thought Catalog

Being a creature of habit, we like to stick to our daily routine. It's safe, it's comfortable but it keeps us in the rut.

Try varying your daily routine. Make small changes - taking another route to work, altering your reading habits, switching the time of day you go to the gym. 

Do things out of character. Be spontaneous. Really, the list is endless. 

5. Find Small Wins Every Day

Image: Unsplash/ Mi Pham

Honestly, I envy small children who get very excited about small things. This keeps them happy and enthusiastic about life.

Why don't we remind ourselves of this sense of wonder? 

The ability to draw happiness from the little things in life also has a lot to do with gratitude.

Consciously find small things every day that make you happy and excited. It could be the smell of freshly baked goods, the feeling of rain on your face, or taking a nap. 

There you go. 5 tips to help you cope with languishing.

I would love to hear if you have any tips to feel better.


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