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Cameron Highlands Travelogue

Walaupun sudah menetap hampir seabad di semenanjung, Cik Panda berasa kagum dengan diri sendiri kerana belum pernah menjejakkan kaki ke Cameron Highlands. 

So I have decided to go for a birthday trip to Cameron. And now who should I asked along? 

After all, it's kinda pathetic to spend your birthday alone right?

Should I ask the many flings that I have? Should I ask A, B, C, D, or Z?

Lepas tu mesti korang cakap "Wahh untungla pergi honeymooney kat Cameron dengan bopren."

Anda semua silap disitu. I went to Cameron with my mum. Heh

I bought this deal on Groupon, 3 days 2 nights stay at Copthorne Cameron at RM320+. 

I know, I'm the queen of Groupon. 

We depart from KL around 11am and heads North via PLUS highway. Had lunch at one of the R&R and drive up to Cameron via Simpang Pulai.

There are 2 routes to choose to reach Cameron. Tapah and Simpang Pulai. If it's your first time driving up to Cameron, the Simpang Pulai route is a better option although it's a little bit far than Tapah. The road is wider and less winding. 

Cool air greeted us as we arrived in Cameron at 4pm (kelasss ayat iols kan). Our hotel was in Kea Farm, Brinchang. The hotel area was all greenery and flowers and cabbage patch. 
The flowers in the hotel compound. Beautiful!

View from our room. Cameron is a beautiful place but seriously, this is not the view you would expect.

Our room was on the top floor. The room was clean and spacious! but the scenery was nothing to shout about. 

Took a nap then later drove down to Brinchang town for petrol and cash then head back to Kea Farm where they have these stalls selling fresh produce (sweet potatoes, corn, carrots, cabbages and the likes ) at the roadsides.

View of Kea Farm from our hotel room
Our dinner was corn and boiled sweet potatoes. The weather was super cold. Tido berbungkus macam nasik pattaya but i love it. End of day 1

23 February, DAY 2 - Woke up early for breakfast. Now that is a miracle because I'm not a morning person. The buffet breakfast in Copthorne is RM25/person. It was worth it. The breakfast spread was amazing but we are not the best person to bring along for buffet as we are both such small eaters. 

But what's not to love about the hotel breakfast buffet right?

Our first destination was Bharat Tea Plantation in Tanah Rata. There are a few tea plantations in Cameron but we chose Bharat because of the "waterfall" hype in social media. 

Bharat Tea have 2 tea house. This is the view from the first tea house

The second tea house is a little bit of a drive down than the first tea house.
p/s Baya, why you photobomb me?!

So this is the artificial waterfall that is the social media hype. To be honest, don't you think it look like just a drain? But I like the water though, it's cold. 

At the tea house, I ordered Ice Teh Tarik and my mum had Lemon Honey Tea and we also ordered Strawberry scones. 

All was nothing to shout about. There is a little shop selling tea as well but the staff, I'm sorry to say this, can you try to be a little bit more friendly, please?

Ye lah uols, bukan la iols sentiasa nak complain kan tapi iols pun kerja customer industry line. Iols tau la there are days when it sucks tapi tak salahkan nak senyum and greet people. Lagipun tempat tu kan tempat tourist, you have to give a good impression. 

One more thing about the tea house, It would be nice if they can organize tea tours. You know, tour like how the tea is harvested then processed then packing then at the tea house, it would be nice if there is a tea-tasting session with someone to explain what are the differences between each tea. The flavour, aroma etc. Baru la education sikit. 

I've been to Sabah Tea Garden and saya berani cakap, Sabah Tea Garden win!

On the way to Cameron Lavender in Brinchang, we stopped by Cactus Valley near Kea Farm and I end up buying a few pots of plants. Sigh. I'm seriously getting old, boring and so housewifey.

The entrance fee to Cameron Lavender is RM8 per adult and I can tell you it's worth it. The place was well maintained and among all tourist attractions in Cameron, is a place worth visiting. 

They have lavender from different places around the world

When my friend suggested I try Lavender Ice Cream, he said it's like eating ice cream doused with perfume. But surprisingly it's not! It's very refreshing and not too overpowering. Be ready to pay RM6 for this. 

Madu kelulut

You can pick these gerberas for RM2/stalk
With nowhere else to go, we visited this Bee Farm. It was so so. 

Balik bilik hotel, TIDO! heh. Around 8.30pm, I said to my mum "Jom cari makan." so we drove down to Brinchang and bought KFC instead.

DAY 3 - We checked out early then went to Raaju's Hill Strawberry farm just across the road from our hotel. There are many strawberry farms around but this particular one receives good reviews on TripAdvisor so why not.

Strawberry banana cake, strawberry yogurt cheesecake, strawberry milkshake and strawberry teh tarik for breakfast. Only the milk shake got my thumbs up. 
Pick your own strawberry. RM30 for half kg. just for the sake of picking your own strawberry. If you just want to buy strawberries, the kea farm would be cheaper. RM25 for more than a kg. 

RM30 worth of strawberries

The Bangladeshi worker who accompanied us into the farm picked the ripest, largest and juiciest strawberry and forced fed us. 

He said "Kalau saya suka itu orang, saya bagi dia makan. Kalau saya tidak suka, saya tada buat ini macam. Makan dalam sikit, jangan kasi bos nampak." 

Thank you. I'm so flattered. 

We head back to KL via Tapah route. Although it's much more narrow and winding, I like this route a little bit because there are a lot of things to see. The road goes through towns, jungle with tall trees, orang asli villages and a waterfall, Lata Iskandar.

But this route is not recommended at night. Kawan saya siap cerita kawan dia ada sampai sesat padahal jalan lurus ja. mungkin kena culik bunian. hehe.

We managed to reach KL around 4-5pm, just in time to beat the mad KL rush hour. 

I love Cameron for it's weather but the destruction to nature for the sake of development is sad. 


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