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Cheating Man, The Other Woman And Man (!?)

Recently it was viral on the internet about this couple who divorced one month after their wedding and everyone at large is blaming and shaming both the man and the other woman. Read about it HERE

Ahhh relationship and cheating. Being cheated on can be one of the worst feelings in the world. And it is always so easy to blame the other woman for snatching your other half away, especially if in your eyes, your bf/husband is the most perfect person. Who can do no wrong, who is so loving and caring, who in a million years will not do such thing.

If ever they cheat, it must be the other woman's fault for seducing him.

I'm not married so really I wouldn't know how it feels like. But cheated on? Yes. Being the other woman? Maybe, sometimes but not with a married man.

I'm not on anyone's side. I've just seen, heard and experienced things that helped me to see both sides of the story.

It takes two to tango. Clap one hand no sound. Gituuuuu

By the way, not in a million years I will understand why man cheat. Everyone have their own reasons. Probably this article helps. 

I came across A LOT of attached guys who acted like a loving bf/husband but behind their significant other's back, they showed another side of them. Musang berbulu ayam ai cakap you.

I'm not saying all guys are like that. But I really can't take it when they acted like they are so happy and in a loving relationship and their gf/wife looked down on other single ladies and showed off their happy relationship. 

Pegang erat lengan si lelaki sambil beri pandangan menikam kalbu yang memberi maksud 

"Kesian you. Bertuah aku dapat tangkap seorang lelaki. You ni single lagi, sedih la you ni."  

Eh kemain lagi dia jeling2 kita. Jangan riak sangat chuols, entah2 bopren uols tu nanti bakal suami weols. Opppsssss.

Case 1

I met this guy at church (just goes to show that you can meet the bad one in a good place) and we kept in contact for an event. One day he asked me out and from the get go, I have this weird vibe about him. The date was blaahhhh. He told me his gf cheated on him with a friend. First red flag was when he asked for a kiss before i got out of the car. I blatantly refused. After a while, he admitted that he actually just wanted to sleep with me. Friends with benefit. And it turns out he is still with his gf all along, playing the perfect boyfriend/church goer on social media. I asked why didn't he sleep with his gf then and why the need for a fuck buddy?

"She's from a good family and she's not used to that kind of thing. She felt really really guilty."

So you are implying that I am okay with that kind of thing? How insulting.

Case 2

I saw this guy briefly, lost contact and moved on. Last I heard he got married to the love of his life last year and seems like happily married. He found me on a dating apps and texted me. Asking if i would like to come over to his place for lunch and obviously other things. 

I said "Nahh. I don't entertain married man and where's your wife by the way?"

He said "She's not here. Main sorok2 la lagi thrill."

Thrill my ass. Once a jerk always a jerk. Just goes to show marriage will not change a person unless they really want to change. Kesian wife dia, cantik. apa lagi yang tidak cukup?

Case 3

This guy i only met once through a friend when we picked him up from the airport. He was really thrilled to know that I'm a Sarawakian as he had business in Kuching and spoke fluent Bahasa Sarawak, had an ex who is a Sarawakian. It turns out he still see his ex whenever he's in Kuching. Had the nerve to ask me if i have single friends to have fun with 

"Kamek dah lamak 'puasa' deng. Wife kamek baruk jak deliver. Lamak dah sik dapat."

Bukut klak.

Case 4

We dated briefly until one day he said he has no more feelings for me, came back a month later saying it was a rash decision when in fact he was already with another girl 3rd week after we broke up. Match made apparently. Said he was miserable, was acting and behaving with this girl, not showing his true colours. Said I was the only person who truly know him. This is the guy with sooooo many issues and I'm sure not many people will understand. There he is still with this girl but at the same time professing his love to me. Their family wanted them to be engage soon. He was in a dilemma as to make his mum happy or follow his heart. If he were to marry her, he confessed that he will cheat. 

See, belum kahwin sudah ada hati mau cheat.  My advice to him?

"whoever you choose to marry now or in the future, choose someone who can accept you as who you are, with all your STUPID issues, your grumpyness, anger, someone who is like ur best friend and partner in crime. How long can u put on ur good image facade? Forever?"

Many Many case

Oh you know. a cover-up marriage. Where the man is a closet gay and the family pressured him to get married. Go ahead with the marriage, produce kids while at the same time still seeing his partner(s) behind the family's and wife's back. Either the wife is ignorant or in denial. 

So don't put on a happy facade when in fact there is so much going on behind that closed door. You can lie to others but not yourselves. 

Saya paling lah tidak faham orang yang asyik2 tanya kenapa belum kahwin kalau diri sendiri pun struggle dalam hal berumah tangga, orang yang kalau diberi peluang untuk undur balik masa, akan memilih untuk tidak berkahwin.  


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