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The sun rising over the horizon |
I remembered when I was studying in Labuan, a return air ticket to Kuching would cost my parents a whooping RM1000+, RM800+ if we were lucky. At that time, we had no other choice but to use Malaysia Airlines. Over the years, more and more airlines came up and we have a lot more choices now. Air travelling became cheaper and many places were accessible. Like they say, now everyone can fly.
With so many airlines to chose from, we can afford to be choosy. When Air Asia first came up, many people choose to fly with A.Asia because well, it is affordable and cheaper than MAS. Me included. At that time, the service was good and it was a value for money. But over the years, the quality deteriorate. The tickets are cheap but with many hidden charges. LCCT is always so crowded it's like a bus terminal and not an airport. Checking in is always a hassle. Nowadays they introduce web/self-check in, if you check in at the counter, you have to pay extra RM10. Sudahlah self-check in kiosk tu selalu rosak. Kadang2, kalau terlambat check in sikit saja pun, diorang sudah jual tiket ko dengan orang lain atau tidak bagi masuk sudah. Sudahlah selalu delay.
One more thing, i don't know what is it about A.Asia passengers. Semua pun mau berebut. Masa scan luggage berebut2, masa berbaris masuk flight pun berebut2, masa berjalan pegi kapal berkejar2. Sudah kena assign seat pun ada lagi yang tidak pandai duduk seat sendiri. Masa mau turun kapal pun berebut2 mau cepat turun, masa ambil luggage tidak payah cakap la..Pendek kata, travelling with A.Asia is so stressful.
Mau cerita pasal staff lagi. Not as friendly and helpful as other airlines. Other airlines' flight attendants is always smiling (sincerely), always helpful and cheerful. A.Asia punya sorry to say, bajet hot ja. Jeling orang semacam.
Bukan saya satu orang saja merungut pasal A.Asia. Ramai lagi. And most were unsatisfied with the service. Most of us frequent fliers prefer other airlines. I have not travel with A.Asia for a very long time. Nowadays, MAS offered competitive prices. Malindo pun bagus. Both in term of prices and service. Kalau tiket A.Asia dengan MAS beza sikit ja, memang saya pilih MAS, Malindo. No stress when checking in and KLIA is not crowded with many places to sit. Passengers pun tidak macam naik bas. Semua mau berebut2.
All i'm saying is, I would pay more for better service, friendlier faces and peace of mind.
Ya betul.. Tokik lubat.. Cndiak palik?