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Showing posts from December, 2012

My 2013 Resolution is......

2013, sigh...time really flies. So it turns out that the world does not end on 21st December 2012 after all. It's so funny to hear that some people actually really believe that and i heard in some shops, they run out of mineral water and batteries because people buy them in bulk in preparation for the end of the world. No amount of mineral water or battery can save you dear friends. It is always nice to look back and reflect on how far you have come, how much you have improved and how many things you have achieved. Almost everyone made new year resolution. It is a good thing though. You set a goal for yourself and try to improve for the better. But no point in making it if you are not going to achieve them right? At least he has a resolution though. Here is a list of famous new year resolutions. Hmm..No 1 sounds familiar. Rank Top 10 New Years resolutions for 2012 ( 1  Lose Weight 2  Getting Organized 3  Spe...

The Golden Question - So, bila mau kahwin?

The annoying relatives Year end = School holidays, Christmas and weddings. It is also a time for family gathering and as if it's something really-really between life and death, uncles, aunties, grandfathers and grandmothers will surely ask "So, when are you getting married?!"  Those who are in their middle twenties onward surely experienced the above mentioned scenario. Yes they are being polite, asking how you are doing etc but sometimes it's like being married is the center of the universe. When you answer something like "Still want to enjoy life/want to concentrate on career etc", they will  give that face that says " Pity you. You are a failure because you are not yet married at this age." We live in a society that says your life is only complete when you get married. Some people are so caught up with the excitement and glamour of a wedding, they forgot a marriage is for a lifetime. It is HARD WORK. I have came across a number of m...

Tis' The Season To Be Jolly's that time of the year again. Festivities and holidays are always are great time to be home, family gathering and catching up with friends you have not seen for a long time. It is also a great time to indulge on food and drinks and giving excuses like "Tidak apa la, setahun sekali aja." when you are over-eating. It is also very common to gain a few kg once the holiday is over. I don't know about you but every time i'm back in hometown, I'll go back 2-3 kg heavier. It must be something in the water...that or the home-cooked food i couldn't find anywhere else.  Here are some smart eating tips during this Christmas: 1. Drink lots of water Water helps you flush out all the wastes and keeps your stomach clean and functioning. Water helps in proper absorption and aids digestion. Drink lots of water before meal so you feel a bit full and will not over-eat. 2. Restrict alcohol smart nutrition during Christmas is to avoid indulging in ...

Beauty and Health Tips Using Limes.

Limau nipis and limau kasturi surely does more than a wonderful cooling drink on a hot day.   It provides vitamin C and flavenoids, both containing antioxidant, antibiotic and disinfectant agents beneficial for clear skin. Here are a few beauty and health tips using these citrus. It's cheap, natural and organic, worth the try. 1. Lime juice wash for acne-free, clear and bright skin My friend  shared this tip with me and i have been doing this for almost a month now. I have a super oily skin and since then, I've noticed that it has become less oily, smoother, brighter and glowing.  Lime juice can wash away your acne in two to three weeks with daily topical use. Cut the lime into half and apply the juice directly onto your acne and allow the juice to dry for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water.  Do this about twice a day. It might sting and itch a little bit but no pain, no gain right? Vitamin C uols, haruslah bright...

Sarawakians and Gardenia's bun obsession

Sarawakians And Gardenia's Bun Obsession Have you observed in the airport shop, people carrying baskets and plastics full of Gardenia's bread/buns?  Or there's no more space left for your luggage in the overhead compartment of the airplane because it is stuffed with buns? Tiada space di overhead compartment itu memang mengundang kemarahan. These people are most definitely Sarawakians (my friends claimed Sabahans do that too).  I don't know who started it but the obsession with Gardenia buns happened because there is no Gardenia in Sarawak. Why oh why.  It's not like there are no good buns or bakeries in Sarawak. It's just that Gardenia has this sense of awe to it.  like "These are not sold in Kuching you know."  or "Bapak kamek beli tok dari KL nun, kitak tek ada?"  or something like that...It's like a souvenir from KL. It's similar to the obsession of Peninsular Malaysians with Kek Lapis.  Anyway, some of their bre...

Healthy Food: Are They Really Healthy?

In search of a healthier lifestyle, we choose foods that are labeled fat-free, preservatives free, less sugar or anything with the word oat, whole-wheat, multi-grain on it.  We eat breakfast cereals instead of rice porridge because we think it is healthier. But is it so?  Let's at some of the foods that we often think are healthier. 1. Granola Bars Well, nuts and grains are good. Grains provides dietary fiber and nuts gives you the good kind of fat. But then again, don't forget these bars are often high in sugar. Some bars even contain chocolate chips, making them as bad as candy bars.  1 bar can contain a whooping 200 kcal.  That's quite high, considering the size of the bar. 2. Yogurt with Fruit Fat free doesn't mean healthy.  Labels tell you they contain added sugars, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners.  Yogurts should taste tart. If it tastes like ice cream, it contains added sugar and other ā€œenrichedā€ ingredients.  Healthier option is plain...

Cholesterol Oh Cholesterol

okaaayy..that's funny and gross at the same time :D About a month ago, i had my cholesterol checked (it was in conjunction with Nestle Omega Plus promotion). Although the test was only 80% accurate (non-fasting etc), my cholesterol level was a little bit on the high side. *faints* . I was baffled because i watched what i eat, i TRIED to exercise and live healthy. So what is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a type of fat produced by the liver and is vital for normal body function. Every cell in our body has cholesterol in its outer layer.  It is carried in the blood by molecules called lipoproteins (LDL @ "bad cholesterol", HDL @ "good cholesterol" and Triglycerides) So what is normal and abnormal level? Optimum : Lower than 5mmol/liter Mildly high cholesterol level: between 5 to 6.4mmol/liter Moderately high cholesterol level: between 6.5 to 7.8mmol/liter Very high cholesterol level: above 7.8mmol/liter And what causes high cholesterol?...

Calorie Episode 3: Beverages

Aaaahh how can i live without coffee? Surprise surprise! Beverages like coffee, tea certainly do contain calorie and some almost equivalent to calorie content of a piece of bread. These calories comes from the added sugar, milk and creams. so the sweeter and creamier it is, the higher the calorie content. Beware of these empty calories ( provides energy but not nutrients like vitamins and minerals). The smarter choice is to drink lots of plain water, green tea without added sugar. If u must must have these beverage, opt for kurang manis version. Less sugar = less calorie. So let's find out the calorie content of these beverages and some desserts : Starbucks Caramel Macchiato 16 oz = 240 kcal McDonald's Oreo Mcflurry 337gm = 560 kcal McDonald's Milk Shake (Medium) = Chocolate 376 kcal, Strawberry 447 kcal, Vanilla 390 kcal Coca Cola 330ml = 141.9 kcal Here is a list of all beverage and its calorie content: Beverage Serving Size Calor...