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Snoring Partner? 5 Things You Should Have For A Good Night's Sleep

Snoring Partner? 5 Things You Should Have For A Good Night's Sleep

Image: FreePik

We all know that getting a good night's sleep is essential for good health. 

Several factors that cause poor sleep quality include stress, anxiety, drinking caffeine too late in the evening, scrolling social media on your phone right before bedtime, and for some people, sleeping next to a snorer.

Although snoring is pretty common worldwide, affecting about 57% of men and 47% of women in the US, it can be frustrating and stressful for someone who sleeps next to a snorer. 

Disruptive, persistent snoring may interrupt their sleep and potentially create tension in the household.

Stopping snoring by strangling your partner is obviously the most immediate solution, but itā€™s not always easily achieved. 

If you can relate to this frustrating situation, obviously you should get these 5 items to ensure a good night's sleep while saving your marriage/relationship.

1. Anti-Snoring Pillow

Get your snoring partner an anti-snoring pillow.

They come in many shapes, are ergonomically designed to support the head and neck, and can help improve breathing to reduce snoring.

Unlike regular pillows, many are lower in the center and higher on the sides. 

Check out these anti-snoring pillows:

Ann Taylor Anti Snore Memory Pillow

šŸ’› Price: RM89.70 on Shopee
šŸ’› Pressure-relieving memory foam for maximum support of head and neck
šŸ’› Shaped to fit your body ergonomically while side-sleeping
šŸ’› Shaped to align your head and shoulders

Therapedic Anti-Snore Pillow

šŸ’› Price: RM158.00 on SHOPEE
šŸ’› Made of 100% natural latex
šŸ’› Ergonomically designed for optimum support of the natural curve of the spine
šŸ’› Anti- Mite, free from fungus, bacteria, and mildew
šŸ’› Suits fit back, stomach, and side sleepers - covers everyone in the family no matter their sleep orientation

It may seem like a loving gesture that you want them to sleep better but you sneakily also wanted them to stop snoring so you can finally sleep peacefully. 

Heh Heh Heh *evil laugh*

2. Foam earplugs

Foam earplugs are made from a soft material that will form to fit your ear canal. They are relatively cheap and can be easily purchased in-store or online.

It can be quite difficult to find the right earplugs so you may need to purchase quite a few different brands until you find the right set that works for you.

Shop on Shopee:
šŸ’› RM0.50 per pair
šŸ’› cute colours
šŸ’› comes in a casing - convenient for traveling
šŸ’› made from soft foam
šŸ’› comfortable 

3M 1100 Disposable Ear Plug

šŸ’› RM0.55 per pair
šŸ’› Pretty standard colours - orange/yellow
šŸ’› No individual casing but comes in individual packaging
šŸ’› made from soft, hypoallergenic foam
šŸ’› comfortable 

Personally, 3M earplugs are a little bit scratchy for my liking and preferred a softer, squishy type. But that's just me.

Anyway, a tiny setback of the earplug solution for snoring partners is that it only works if the snorer is not loud.

And they tend to fall out of your ears if not inserted properly into the ear canal.

3. Noise Cancelling Headphones or Earmuffs

A good earmuff provides excellent protection against noises, including one coming from a snoring partner. 

Headphones usually work better than earplugs because of their noise-cancelling properties.

You will also need to find wireless headphones with the right balance between comfort and noise cancellation. 

3M Peltor X5A Earmuff

šŸ’› Price RM265.00 on Shopee
šŸ’› Exceptional noise reduction (NRR 31dB)
šŸ’› Lightweight, well built & secure 
šŸ’› Comfortable wide, soft foam ear cushion 
šŸ’› Fit both small and large heads

On the flip side, this earmuff is a bit bulky and can be uncomfortable for side sleepers.

Sony WH-1000XM4

This headphone is perfect if you want to block out snoring noise while listening to soothing sounds to help you sleep.

šŸ’› Price RM999.00-RM1149.00 on Shopee
šŸ’› Active noise-canceling
šŸ’› Lightweight and comfortable
šŸ’› Automatic head detection mode
šŸ’› Super portable with long battery life - up to 30 hours
šŸ’› Dolby Atmos and Sony 360 Spatial Sound

A bit pricey but that's a small price to pay for a good night's sleep I guess.

Pros of a noise-cancelling headphones:

  • Excellent noise-cancelling properties
  • Can be used for work, traveling, public places

Cons of a noise-cancelling headphones:

  • Uncomfortable for long-wearing, side or front sleepers
  • Pricey

4. Air Humidifier 

So how does air humidifier helps reduce snoring?

Humidifiers can help snoring triggered by breathing in dry air. When the air in your bedroom is dry, it can cause the nose, throat and mouth to become dry.  

Dry air also stimulates your body to produce more mucus, which can lead to nasal congestion. 

Most of the time, this dry air is filled with allergens like dust that can irritate the airways.

And when the mucous membrane in your throat and nose become irritated, they often become inflamed which makes your airways more restricted and narrow. 

This restricted airway causes snoring at night.

OEM/MUJI-inspired Ultrasonic Air Humidifier/Aroma Diffuser

šŸ’› Price RM15.00- RM104.90 on Shopee 
šŸ’› 500ml water tank that can last up to 10 hours of use
šŸ’› Can be used with essential oils
šŸ’› Timer setting feature 60 mins, 180 mins or 360 mins
šŸ’› 2 adjustable mist setting
šŸ’› 7 colours setting

Xiaomi Mijia 4L Air Humidifier

šŸ’› Price RM85 on SHOPEE for standard version 4L
šŸ’› 4L water tank capacity
šŸ’› Silver ion, 99% anti-bacterial
šŸ’› 3 mist adjustment
šŸ’› Sleek design that will look great in the living room or bedroom

While air humidifier helps with snoring caused by dry air, it's only a temporary fix and does not work if snoring is caused by other factors such as sleep apnea or obesity. 

5. White Noise Machine

A good white noise machine can mask moderate snoring noise. 

How does it work?

It works by reducing the difference between background noise (your bedroom without snoring) and startling snoring noise.

In other words, it masks snoring noise with another noise, making it almost unnoticeable.  

Some machines also have soothing sounds that work by distracting your ears (and brain) and calming you down. 

ORIA White Noise Machine

šŸ’› Price RM63.00 on SHOPEE 
šŸ’› 24 soothing sounds including 7 white noises, 7 fan sound effects, 10 relaxing natural sounds (birds, waves, creeks, lullabies, music boxes, campfires, rain, etc.)
šŸ’› 30/60/90s Auto-Off Timer Function
šŸ’› Memory Function
šŸ’› USB Rechargeable
šŸ’› 5 Adjustable Brightness

LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine

šŸ’› Price RM215.66 on AMAZON
šŸ’› 10 fan sounds and 10 ambient noise variations, including White noise, Pink noise and brown noise
šŸ’› Powered by AC or USB
šŸ’› Precise volume control

Pros of a noise machine:

  • you donā€™t need to wear anything over or in your ears
  • Some machines have soothing nature sounds that are relaxing

Cons of a noise machine:

  • Need to train yourself to sleep with noise
  • Tend to be pricey

I would really love to know if any of these works for you in the comment section below.

If all else fails, remember the old adage about how desperate times call for desperate measures, you might have to sleep in a different room.

Or get a different partner šŸ˜


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