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Showing posts from November, 2012

Calorie episode 2: Fast food

Oh how we love fast food. KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Burger King etc. You name it. Who on earth did not like fried chicken with that crispy and yummy skin? I do..well, sometimes i remove the skin just to make myself feel better. Fast food is so calorie laden that one meal is enough to provide your one day daily calorie allowance! Let's find out the calorie count of these typical Malaysian fast food. KFC Snack Plate - 1016 kcal KFC cheesy wedges - 310 kcal. so snack plate + cheesy wedges = 1326 kcal! Burger King Whooper Value Meal WHOPPER, Small Coca-Cola and fries - 1200 kcal Subway Chicken Teriyaki 6" Sandwich - 380 kcal Subway isn't always healthy, watch out for the extra mayo , salad dressings and sauces. Mushroom soup - 70 kcal, Hawaiian Supreme Individual Pizza - 160 kcal, Chicken Supreme (medium, 1 slice) - 190 kcal McDonald's Value Meal (cheese burger, medium fries and 16 oz coke) - 804 kcal It is highly recommended t...

Common Malaysian Favourite Food And Their Calorie Content

Common Malaysian Favourite Food And Their Calorie Content Oh, Malaysia is definitely a food heaven. We have a looonnnnnggggg list of yummy food. My favourite would be nasi lemak ayam goreng.  Sinful, i know but definitely the best. Others on the list is Penang Char Kueh Teow with lots of clams, Thosai masala, roti canai roti telur...etc.  But do you know what is the calorie content of these foods? Some food have calories that exceeds your daily calorie intake with just one serving!   How Many Calories Should You Consume Per Day?  In general*: Adult male: 2440 kcal/day Adult female: 2000kcal/day * depending on your activity level. Or your weight (kg) x 30. i.e 50 x30= 1500kcal/day. Let's See How Many Calories These Favourite Malaysian Foods Contains:  1 Karipap = 128 kcal  (almost equivalent to 2 hard boiled eggs!) Sarawak Kolo Mee = 467 kcal Mee goreng mamak = 660 kcal Char Kueh Teow = 629 kcal Teh tarik = 83 kcal Mee...

Soy Products and Man Boobs

LaSenza ke tu? Have you heard people say it's not good for a guy to drink too much soy milk/eat soy products for fear that they will grow man boobs, has erectile dysfunction and become infertile?  NO IT IS NOT TRUE. Research have shown that taking soy products WILL NOT CAUSE feminization (increase estrogen and reduce testosterone, grow man boobs, reduced fertility). The phytoestrogen (that mimics estrogen's effect in the body) is not strong enough to cause this. Plus when people say "take too much", exactly how much is too much? The health benefits of taking soy far outweigh the perceived disadvantage. Here are some facts on soy. Has variety of essential nutrients i.e proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals, is naturally cholesterol-free, a source for the omega-3 essential fatty acid ALA. contains isoflavones and other antioxidants that are highly beneficial to your health (lowers cholesterol, heart-healthy, helps in post-menopausal symptoms). ...

Food Sampling, Free gifts And Strong Sense Of Entitlement

Food Sampling, Free gifts And Strong Sense Of Entitlement Most of us are familiar with food sampling in supermarkets and the companyā€™s strategy to boost sales by doing the ā€˜buy 2 and get a free giftā€™ policy.  It is common to see promoters/samplers in supermarkets offering free sampling.  I'm guilty of going to a huge hypermarket like Carrefour and taste everything that was there to offer and end up not buying anything. Having been in both sideā€™s shoes, as customer and promoter, I now understand the promoterā€™s feelings and having to deal with difficult, demanding, and kiasu customers with a strong sense of entitlement.   These are a few typical scenarios: 1. Customers came 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 100th time to get fruit juice, carbonated drinks, cookies, snacks samples. Hello sekius me sistur, this is not a free food counter.  2. When the promoter said the sample has finished, some customers will say ā€œYour company so lau ya wan! How come not enough samples for people...

Sodium And Hidden Salt In Our Foods

Sodium is an important nutrient required by the body to maintain fluid balance and to provide channels for nerve signaling.  Over-consumption of sodium is much more common than deficiencies (which can occur in cases like excessive vomiting and diarrhea) and is often associated with high blood pressure.  WHO recommendation is not more than 2000mg /day but on average Malaysians consume more than 2500mg/day or about 8.7g salt/day. That's a lot. We consumed a lot more salt than we are supposed to.  And this habit is also reflected in our health statistics where 33% of Malaysians are hypertensive (NHMS 2015). Maybe we don't deliberately swallow a spoonful of salt but most of the sodium we consumed is hidden and from processed food. In this study of 1047 Malaysians, it was found that these high sodium foods are the ones most consumed: Fried vegetables Bread Omelet Are you surprised as I am? These foods are not even what we would consider salty. Here ...

Green Tea : The Super Beverage

I drink green tea regularly, not because i like it but because of the many health benefits. To get the maximum effect, i often did not add any sugar. super bitter..Erghhh. Anyway, health benefits of green tea comes from it's anti-oxidants and poly-phenols. Primeval Chinese people have used it for medical purposes as they knew green tea was favorable for health. So what are the benefits? My favourite benefit was it aids in weight loss by boosting metabolism and detoxification, gives healthy skin and anti-aging because of the abundance of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory. So how much should we consume? The reality is one cup per day will not give you all the benefits. Some recommends at least 4 cups/day. Another thing to bear in mind is the  caffeine in green tea ā€” so if you are sensitive to caffeine then one cup should be your limit. Green tea also contains tannins (which can decrease the absorption of iron and folic acid), so if you are pregnant or trying...

Healthy eating is smart eating!

Healthy eating is not about starving or depriving yourselves of your favorite food nor it is about staying super thin. Its about keeping yourself healthy and nourishing your body with optimum nutrition. Here's how you can eat and live smart: 1. Start slow and make little changes Changing everything at once usually leads to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. Make small steps, like adding a salad (full of different color vegetables) to your diet once a day or reduce your sugar intake per day.   2. Drink more water Water helps our body to flush toxins and waste. It's common to mistake thirst for hunger so staying well-hydrated will also help you make healthier diet choices. 3. Exercise, exercise and exercise Find something you love to do i.e dancing, aerobics, walking,swimming or sports so that it will be something you look forward to instead of dreading it. When you love it, it's no longer a chore.  What's better than some sun and ...