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Showing posts from February, 2014

Loving Someone Unconditionally

Do we really know what love is? Or how to love someone?  Most of the time, we do certain things for people or become someone we think they will love, to gain their love and affection.  Because in a way, we are programmed to be conditional, to expect something in return for our love. It is not unconditional love when other people like us for doing what they want or because we give them what they wanted from us.  It's just like weā€™re ā€œpayingā€ for love in a way  with what we do to get their attention and affection.  What is unconditional love? Unconditional love is caring about the happiness of another person without any thought for what we might get for ourselves. Unconditional love is when we make stupid mistakes, when we fail to do what other people want, and yet they donā€™t feel disappointed or irritated with us.  When we make a seemingly poor choice about our lives, take a wrong turn and yet they still love us....

Loft Suite @ Scott Garden

I was lucky I found this place on my search for a party venue. Loft Suite was new, clean and quiet despite the many night clubs below. It is a privately owned duplex apartment. In each of the unit, they have a small fridge, an electric stove and some kitchen utensils.  I just love the pool and the surrounding area. It was really serene with water feature (small pools etc). Too bad i didn't take a lot of pictures. Was too busy running around.  Google picture Google picture Just like hotel rooms, you can book on per night basis. Perfect for small group of people and relatively cheaper than hotel room. It is also conveniently located in Scott Garden, just 10 minutes away from Mid Valley Megamall. Scott Garden itself has a lot of retail outlets, banks, Tesco, restaurants etc.  The only thing that is a bit of a hassle is everything need access card and they only provide you with one. Even the lift needs card before you can go up to your fl...

The Epic Awesome Birthday Party

I never really make a big deal about my birthday. And for the past few years, 23 February always falls in Lent season so it was always celebrated very moderately. But this year it is finally not during Lent! So I decided to have a party among my close friends. Been thinking about it for quite some time. The planning, the venue, the budget etc.  Had it at this amazing place, Loft Suite @ Scott Garden . I was lucky I saw the promotion on Groupon and bought the voucher. hehe.  Anne made these pretty cupcakes My crazy bunch! :) We frolic in the pool at midnight, had maggie mee at 3.30am then talked till wee hours LOVE :) Some catch up session is going on Game session yang havoc. Amboiii PIC, kemain... It was a small intimate gathering among close friends where so many crazy things happened that night. Thank you for making it an awesome super epic night guys. Thank you Anne, Joel and HJ for helping me ...

Life Lessons As I Edge Closer to 30

People often make big hu haaa about turning 30. No, I'm not yet there but almost.  How do I feel? Like I'm still 25. On this day that I get older, I could't help but wonder in the years that I have lived, have I made a difference in someone's life? The things that I did or said. Have I spend enough time to be kind to others?  And when the time comes for me to leave, what will people remember of me? As I edge closer to 30, there are things that I have learned along the way. Things that I wish I could tell my 20 year old self. Trust me, the only thing I regret was the things that I should have done and said.  1. Accept myself as who I really am Both physically and non-physically. I learned to be more comfortable in my own skin. When I was in my teenage years and early 20's, I wanted to be somebody else but me. I was never pretty or smart enough. I wish I'm like this person or that person. There is always someone prettier or smarter or better than y...

The Amazing Avocado

When people ordered avocado juice and said how delicious it was, i cringed! Because i couldn't imagine how something green and creamy can be delicious. I imagine it to be bland, yucky and hard to swallow. And then I heard it is higher in calorie and fats compared to other fruits.  That is enough to keep me away from avocado... Then the other day, someone ordered avocado juice and offered me some. Konon terbuka la pintu hati saya mau try avocado juice. I took a sip and wow! rupa-rupanya memang betul sedap la. It was refreshing, not heavy and creamy like i imagine at all.  Punya la sakai saya ni, selepas bertahun2 hidup di dunia baru hari tu pertama kali rasa kesedapan avocado.  I have heard that avocado is full of goodness but I let the calorie part cloud my judgement.  Not anymore. Let's see what are the health benefits of this amazing fruit 1. Loaded with monounsaturated fat  In a typical avocado, most of the calories you receive come from mono...

Jom Bersenam!

Feeling tired, lazy but really needed an exercise that is quick and easy? Watch this video and try their simple and easy exercise! Lemak pun tidak bergegar oh kalau buat senaman ni. Got you didn't i? Jangan la marah.  Hihi.

I Love Teatime

Have i told you how much i love teatime? Oh ya, i did mention it in my previous post HERE .  Well anyway, besides teatime, i absolutely love coffee places where they offer wide variety of coffee, tea and food! with amazing ambience of course.  I'm always on the hunt for nice teatime places. My friend Jasmine and I always look forward to teatime whenever we are out together. More than lunch or dinner. It's an opportunity for us to catch up and chat. It's also nice if you brought along a few friends and you order different cakes so you can taste everything! Here are a few teatime places i loved .  Butter Up, Sri Kembangan .   They have wide selection of pastries, pasta, pizza and cakes! Their baked goods are really reasonably priced.  Sliced Fruit Box on the left so. It was a bit bland but perfect for those who prefer anything kurang manis. On the right is Tuna Danish..Yumm! My friend had Oreo Cheesecake and I forgot what is ...

Sweetness Is Chocolate and Ice-Cream

More stories of sweetness. The other day, i was texting with my friend and told her i just had ice-cream earlier and she told me suddenly she crave for ice-cream too. So she told this guy she was texting with. As it was already midnight, the guy said it's dangerous for a girl to go out at this hour. Without asking, he came all the way from Putrajaya, bringing 2 Magnum ice-cream for my friend. sweet is that? Remember i told you about that guy who bought me Kit Kat and said "Relaks lah, Kit Kat kan ada?" because i was always angry at him in my previous post ? Here's another story about Kit Kat..(with a different guy though. I don't know what is it about me and Kit Kat) So few days ago, after a late dinner, this guy, let's call him HJ, and I stopped by 7E where he bought Magnum ice-cream and Kit Kat for both of us. So there we were, sitting on the curb, enjoying our ice-creams while people-watch. He  then offered me Kit Kat.  I said ...

Jenis Produk Supplement Yang Popular Tetapi Merepek Di Malaysia

Jenis Produk Supplement Yang Popular Tetapi Merepek Di Malaysia Ramai orang Malaysia ni gullibe tau. Menurut kamus, gullible didefinisikan sebagai: easily persuaded to believe something; credulous. "an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money" Ha, bermaksud senang sangat nak percaya sesuatu. Sekarang ni kan ada macam-macam jenis produk. Semua orang boleh jual produk. Untuk kesihatan la, untuk kecantikkan la.  Kalau yang betul-betul certified, yang kita betul-betul tau segala kandungan bahan dia,yang sudah ada trial sana sini tidak apa la jugak kan.  Ni produk yang entah apa-apa. Lepas tu testimoni amboiiii sis, wonder-drug sungguh. Segala macam penyakit boleh sembuh.  Produk Ketatkan Vagina Produk ni kononnya boleh hilangkan bau badan, masalah keputihan dan bau period. Paling tak tahan part dia boleh ketatkan vagina.  Siap bagi testimoni lagi suami komen semakin ketat, semakin sayang, semakin kerap 'bersama'... Vagina tu kan ada muscle sis....

Paintings On The Wall

After our satisfying dinner of Luba Laya, kari nanas, ayam kicap and pucuk ubi at D'Saveur , Joel, Anne and i went for a walk around the area, The Atmosphere. It is a fairly new modern shop houses and we noticed there were amazing 3D mural arts around! There were a lot more around but these are the ones we found. Should have come here during day time. 

The Great (Mis)Adventure

I wish i looked like that when it happened but no. My hair was a mess, my face was sweaty and oily and i was wearing a flip-flop. And my car definitely is not a BMW... So last weekend, a friend of mine and her little family came over from Kuching for a short holiday. My friend, Anne and I then took them to Melaka. The journey down to Melaka was smooth and uneventful. We went sight-seeing, window shop in the malls and Jonker Street and stayed a night there. The next day, we went to the zoo. It was a scorching hot day and everywhere was crowded. Thankfully we found a parking as soon as we arrived, had our lunch before going to the zoo. We then depart to KL. Just a few kilometers after Tol Ayer Keroh, my dear old-poor car overheated. We stop at the emergency lane and let it cool for a while. My friend's husband, John, got into action.Thank God we have a guy in the car. I cannot imagine what will happen if all girls were in the car. We wouldn't know what to do. Thank God we ...