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Showing posts from December, 2013

It's A Wrap! Thank You 2013

A lot of people have remarked that 2013 is the fastest and shortest year. Time really does fly. i couldn't agree more. On this last day of 2013 i couldn't help but wonder where have time been and what have i achieved this year. Getting nostalgic and melancholic aren't we? Looking back, there have been many wonderful things/happenings/milestones happened this year and i would say that 2013 has been a great year. 1. We finally got the chance to visit my mum's sisters in the UK. I did not blog about this trip. Maybe one day. We had the amazing opportunity of visiting Cardiff and Bath. Beautiful country and i loveeeeeddd the cold.  Would really love to go back again one day. That's us in Bath. That's my aunt Angela and her husband, uncle Phillips. 2. Professionally, i finally got a research article published in a local journal . it took me 2 years and draft after draft and after draft to write that article.  3. After almost 3 decades of life, i fin...

Shoe-aholics Guide To Ngabang

Shoe-aholics = someone who likes to buy lots of shoes; someone who loves shoes Ngabang = Berjarah ; Bahasa Sarawak term for house visiting during festive seasons. I would consider myself to be a sensible shoe-aholic.  I love shoes.  Sexy stilettos, gorgeous pumps, adorable ballet pumps, dainty strappy sandals, wedges.  Oh talking about wedges, my friend once told her boyfriend she wanted to buy wedges she saw the other day in the mall. Her boyfriend lovingly said "Tomorrow i'll accompany you to KFC k."   Sooo adorable. Wedges in the above conversation refers to this. Not the KFC cheesy wedges but A+ for effort and sweetness Well anyway, no matter how pretty the shoes are, its practicality is my priority. Especially if its for daily wear. something comfortable and easy to slip on and off.  And also because I can't drive wearing heels or wedges or thick sole footwear. Its practicality is the utmost importance during ngabang.  Yo...

The Boardriders Cafe

Oh you know my fascination with coffee places. i don't know. I just love the  ambiance  and the cosyness of a coffee shop. The low lights, the cosy quiet corners, the soft music and the smell of coffee. So the other day, i drag my cousin along to try this coffee place in Plaza Merdeka. The Boardriders Cafe is amazing! Love this corner This colourful shelf is gorgeous i seem to wear this expression a lot... I love their counter too. Two Americanos and chocolate trio. The girl who loves coffee places Verdict: so so... I love this wall deco too. The only thing i wish is they would have more pastry and cakes choices. Love love love this place.

You're So HOT! Health Benefits of Eating Chili

Is there such a thing? Of course! Chili are plants = plants are healthy food, therefore eating chili is healthy. Nampak tak permainannya disitu?  There are more than 200 varieties of chili around the world, coloured anything from yellow to green to red to black, and varying in heat from mildly warm to mouth-blisteringly hot. The hottest are usually the smallest: habanero orange, African bird's eye and Scotch bonnet. Green chillies are unripe, so usually aren't as hot as red ones. The active ingredient is capsaicin, most of which comes from the seeds and the veins. So if you prefer your chili milder, try a green one and remove the seeds before chopping. So what are the health benefits of eating chili? 1. Rich in vitamin C - Chili contain up to seven times the vitamin C level of an orange! 2. Contains antioxidants - They are also good in other antioxidants like vitamin A, and flavonoids like Ɵ-carotene, Ī±-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin, and cryptoxanthin. 3. It is...

The Messy Bun

So pretty. Simple, understated yet so chic. How you style your hair can make or break you. A little change in your hairstyle can change your whole appearance and of course having a good hair day instantly uplifts you. I love this messy bun look. Practical and stylish at the same time.  This hair style looks so chic and elegant on orang putih, models and celebrities. Tapi cuba la saya buat macam ni, saling tak tumpah macam ibu yang tengah berpantang... Flip anak. eh????

Marriage: A Nugget Of Wisdom

picture from Google I was driving and my mum sat beside me in the car. So we were talking and the subject of relationship and marriage came up. Here's what she said "I've never stop any of you befriending anyone. Even if that person is from a different ethnic or religion. You all are adult enough to make your own decision and be responsible for your actions." "Don't rush. There's nothing to rush. Take your time, do some soul-searching. Find yourself first. Do what you wanted to do, go where you want to go. Why do you want to rush? Doesn't matter if you get married at 25 or 45, if it's meant to be, it will happen. Marriage is for a lifetime. If you settled with the wrong person, you'll suffer for a long time."   My mum is so cool. Unlike most mothers who constantly pestered their children to get married when they reached certain age, my mum is more relaxed. I personally think there is more to life than get married, have kids an...

Can Men and Women Be "Just Friends"?

I have always thought men and women can be just friends. Totally platonic. Apparently my male friends did not think so. And few happenings have made me questioned what i thought. In our daily lives, non-romantic friendships between males and females are not only possible, but commonā€”men and women live, work, and play side-by-side, and generally seem to be able to avoid spontaneously sleeping together or fall in love with each other. However, the possibility remains that this apparently platonic relationship is merely a put-up-show, something to cover up the romantic feelings and sexual attraction bubbling just beneath the surface. People may think they are capable of being ā€œjust friendsā€ with members of the opposite sex, but the opportunity (or perceived opportunity) for ā€œromanceā€ is often lurking just around the corner, waiting to pounce at the most inopportune moment. Study conducted on 88 undergrad students found that men were much more attracted to their female frien...

It's Kinda Sweet

The other day, my friend and i went to my favourite Friday night hang out place. We were sitting on the bar stool, our cocktails just arrived and we chat while listening to the live band.  Then this waiter place a bill holder on our table, in front of me. I thought to myself  "Hmm..its kinda early for them to ask us to pay isn't it? After all our drinks just arrived!" I was dumbfounded. I opened the bill holder and then there was this note in it "Hi. Can i have your number please? :) " It was really sweet. I think that was such a sweet way to ask for a girl's number. I probably think its sweet because its the first time things like that happened to me! Duuhhh.. Well anyway, i asked the waiter who was it from and he said it was from their ex-manager. Because i think its really sweet so i gave my number. Then the waiter came back with a name card. My friend and i were wondering who is this mysterious guy, asking for my phone number but dare not c...

Road Trip To An Orang Asli Village

So last weekend, my four friends and i went on a road trip to this Orang Asli village in Slim River. Our friend, Brandan used to work with this guy Abang Adi and he invited us to his village because its the fruits season.  Two hours and a sore butt later, we reached this village right in the middle of an oil palm estate. I would say that it's a modern village and the community wasn't big. Only a few houses. Some are Muslims, some are Christians, some Buddhist, some Pagans but they lived in the same village. So we feast on durians and rambutans. And i discovered that we, the natives people have so much in common. We might look different, speak different languages but we share a lot of similarities. Things we eat, things we do. They have this little hut they built outside the house for evening lepak session. Just like in our village! Had a really nice chat with Abg Adi's wife and we were talking about how we must preserve and teach our children our mother tongue.  ...