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Showing posts from June, 2013

Something Beautiful

Things didnā€™t work out because, well, greater things were in the works. Itā€™s so difficult while weā€™re blind and hurting and donā€™t know which way is up. But, if you have faith in anything, have faith in the fact that the universe has a beautiful way of straightening things out far better than we ever could. You may not see it today or tomorrow, but you will look back in a few years and be absolutely perplexed and awed by how every little thing added up and brought you somewhere wonderfulā€“ or where you always wanted to be. You will be grateful that things didnā€™t work out the way you once wanted them to. - Thought Catalog

Nature-Themed Rooms

CPPS suka sangat garden/nature/resort/Bali themed home designs. It is minimal, understated and yet in it's own class gitu kan.   Bagi CPPS, design sebegini mendatangkan rasa aman, tenang dan menyenangkan terutamanya jika ada water feature seperti mini fountain atau kolam. Terasa asyik apabila dikelilingi tumbuhan nan hijau dan diiringi bunyi air yang mengalir. Seolah-olah berada di 5 star resort!  Very nice pool to have outside your house Something different Simple but definitely nice A garden in the house I love something like this. Ada deck di taman, sesuai untuk bersantai atau untuk private garden party. Uols bayangkan bangun pagi, bukak mata dan dikelilingi pokok-pokok yang cantik, burung-burung berkicau. Tapi kalau penakut tu jangan berangan la bilik macam ni. Nice deco idea for the room. But i have black fingers so anything i plant never survive Open bathroom concept. wuuuu Nice water feature deco to have in the hous...

My Beautiful Kuching

Picture perfect Salt-pepper-sugar-spice tu nama blog iols sebelum ni. So not commercial kan nama dia. Ishh. By the way kan uols, betul lah kata orang "hujan emas di negara orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri. Tetap negeri sendiri terbaik. Masuk tahun 2017, dah 13 tahun iols hidup sebagai anak perantau. Kuching yang iols kenal masa zaman sekolah-sekolah dulu sudah sangat jauh berbeza sekarang.  Sudah banyak kemajuan dan pembangunan. Kuching is a beautiful place but the beauty is not only in the physicality of the place itself, but also in the people. Nak dijadikan cerita, ada suatu hari tu, iols dengan adik iols, si MUA puaka tu kat Carpenter Street.  Nak cari makan katanya. Jadi kitorang duduk lah kat satu kedai kopi kecik kat corner ni. Gerai yang ada masa tu Kueh Chap, Laksa dengan nasik campur sahaja. Tapi yang menarik tentang cerita ini adalah lelaki Cina, berusia lewat 20an-30an yang menjaga gerai nasik campur tersebut. Gerai ni tidak putus-...

Famous Breakfast Around The World

Did you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Siega-Riz, Popkin and Carson (1998) defined breakfast as any food, beverages or both consumed anytime between 5am and 10am and not the first meal you had when you wake up, especially if you wake up at 12pm. Kah! Children who eat breakfast perform better at school. They have better cognition and concentration. Eating breakfast is like recharging your brain and body for the day.  Here's the tricky part. What to eat for breakfast?  You have to eat the right kind of food to sustain your hunger until lunch time. Foods like sugary cereals, pastries or other high sugar foods caused sugar/energy spike and leave you feeling drained and hungry before mid-day.  Chose to eat fruits, complex carbs or protein instead. Eggs are good. It can be scrambled, boiled or made into omelette.  Let's see what are the common breakfast around the world. Shall we? 1. Argentina "facturas" are similar to Dani...

Amazing Swimming Pools

I am a Pisces and "pisces" in Latin means fish. Pisces love to swim. So that explains my strong affinity for water. Just like a fish, i find water to be calming and soothing. Recently i've began to swim regularly after so long. Not only it is a good exercise, it releases stress and is extremely calming. I've read somewhere that water is a good medium to buffer and absorb all your negative energy and emotions. Two in one eh? I've developed obsession over swimming pools recently. Why i always seems to have obsession lately is beyond me. The nicest pool i've been to so far was this pool with an amazing view of Petronas Twin Tower. Perfect for a night swim as it was quiet and the pool is heated. Macam infinity pool tapi tidak juga.   Infinity pools are the nicest! Jom cuci mata sambil berangan ada pool macam ni... Ooh that's super nice. Perfect for a night swim. This is a pool in Bali. So calming. Next trip perhaps? ...

Bikinication: Ada Berani?

Writers block is around the corner again.  Okay so someone challenge me to wear bikini in DAYLIGHT in my previous post  . So here goes my reply, "Challenge accepted!".  Lighting, types of pose is very, very important. Got the bikini when i was in UK. Considering the design and quality, it was cheap. About RM65. To get that flat-ish abs, i run,walk, swim and abs toning whenever i could. After gawai, i abandon all routine and now had to drag my lazy bum to do it all over again to get ready for another bikinication. This is HARDWORK. Got my monokini online from JS Secret . It cost about RM60+ including postage. My sis got their swimwear from Cotton On in Plaza Merdeka, Kuching.  There were a few shocked/negative responses regarding these photos but then i would rather live with 'Oh Wells' instead of 'What Ifs'. No matter what you do, people are going to judge you anyway right. At least nanti sudah tua ada juga gambar saya mau kasi tunjuk an...