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Showing posts from March, 2013

Oh So Adorable!

I was feeling a bit down lately so what did i do? Browse Youtube and watched funny babies videos. It really does cheer you up you know. Here's another video i absolutely love. That chubby cheeks is screaming "BITE ME!" And NO, all these cute babies video postings has nothing, i repeat nothing to do with my ticking biological clock.

Makanan Sebagai 'Metabolism Booster'?

Kenapa oatmeal mesti ada dalam senarai? Arghhhhh! Orang asyik sebut metabolism sana metabolism sini tapi uols tau tak apa itu metabolism? "Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy, which your body needs to function."  Even masa kita rehat ke tido ke, badan masih perlukan tenaga untuk fungsi yang 'unconscious', seperti bernafas, mengalirkan darah, adjust hormone level dan sebagainya. Tenaga yang digunakan untuk support aktiviti badan seperti ini kita panggil Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)  Selain BMR, 2 faktor lain yang menentukan kadar penggunaan tenaga/ kalori seharian anda adalah: 1. Pemprosesan makanan dalam badan ( thermogenesis) - Proses mengunyah, pencernaan, penyerapan dan penyimpanan makanan ini memerlukan 100-800 kcal sehari.  2. Aktiviti fizikal ā€” sesais la uols. Berjalan, berlari, zumba, jogging, menggeletis dan pelbagai jenis pergerakkan juga melibatkan penggunaan tenaga.  Sis tak mau cerita ...

The "C" Word

It's cancer..It is a word that is terrifying, devastating and heart-breaking. It is a word that immediately associates with suffering, pain and death. It's getting more and more common to hear someone being diagnosed with cancer. Almost as common as a heart attack or diabetes. Of course we know what are the risk factors of cancers like smoking, alcohol, unhealthy lifestyles and such but sometimes those who took good care of themselves got cancer too. History of cancer runs in my family. My maternal grandfather died of lung cancer, my paternal auntie died of colon cancer and my dad loses a battle with the most terminal of all cancers, liver cancer. My dad was a healthy man who seldom got sick but when he did, it's often serious. 1 or 2 years before he was diagnosed with liver cancer, he frequently got ill. He complained of difficulty in walking and slowly, his leg muscles got smaller and smaller. I was studying away from home and when i got back for holidays, he got t...

Heaven Is For Real

I was reading this amazing book this few days and managed to finish it in about 3 days (It's not very thick anyway). It is by Todd Burpo (who is a pastor) with Lynn Vincent, titled "Heaven is for Real".  It is an astounding story about Colton's (Todd's son) trip to heaven and back.  I absolutely love this book. Near-death experiences and stories about heaven never ceased to fascinate me. This book gave a glimpse of heaven and will encourage those who doubt and thrill the believers. Colton gave a description of heaven just like in the scriptures, from a child-like wonder and amazement point of view. He described how Jesus, God and God the Holy Spirit looked like. This book also briefly described how another girl, Akiane Kramarik, got a glimpse of heaven at a tender age (3-4 years old) and since then paints amazing spiritual pictures. Both Akiane and Colton gave exactly the same description of Jesus, that he has beautiful eyes. Prince of peace- The Resur...

Isn't She Adorable?

Still in the midst of writer's block. Sigh... At the mean time, enjoy this video. i watched it about 2 years ago and still finds it super adorable today. Think Cynthia, think!

It's That Time...

I wish...i absolutely have no idea what to write. 

Happy International Women's Day

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8 to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. Being a strong, independent woman doesn't mean that you be a die-hard feminist. It just means believing and  standing up for  yourself and what you know is right without trying to fit in the mold implied by society. So how can we empower ourselves? 1. Don't compare yourself to other women. Constantly feeling jealous of other women will leave you feeling horrible about yourself. Media often feature unrealistic standards of beauty resulting in a culture of women who feel insecure and unhappy with their own bodies. These women are paid to look the way they do, and many of them lead very unhealthy lives to maintain their figures. The camera really does add weight; women who look "perfect" in magazines or in movies usually look anorexic in real life. Try not to compare your own negative qualities with other women's positive...

Secret For Looking And Staying Young

I have an uncle who is in his middle sixties but he does not look his age..more like 55 years old. Over the years, i have observed how he eats, sleep and generally take care of himself. He sleeps early (9.30pm or 10pm), really watch what and how much he eats. In fact he planted his own organic vege. He ate lots of vege. He does not smoke and is only an occasional drinker.  Anyway, people always thought i look younger than my age. I guess that is a good thing :p So what are the tips to look younger? These are the things i personally practiced: 1. Like i said, watch what and how much you eat. What you put inside your body nourishes you. It is true when they say "you are what you eat". So if you eat junk, you'll feel and look like junk. Eat more protein, vege and fruits (loads of antioxidants). Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. Water helps to hydrate the skin and detoxify the body.  2. Get enough sleep -  Sleep helps regulate your body's metabolis...

Common Mistakes When Trying To Lose Weight

There is a lot of misconceptions on an effective weight loss strategy. The ones that irks me the most is when a person starve him/herself or say "i'm not eating rice. Rice is BAD for diet." I wrote an entry sometime ago on carbohydrate and rice. Read  the battle of carbs: to rice or not to rice .  Here are a few common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight 1. Skipping breakfast Eating breakfast is one of the simplest and healthiest thing you can do to feel better and have more energy. But you have to eat protein for breakfast. Cereal is bad for breakfast because it is high in sugar, additives and low in protein. If your breakfast is high in simple carbohydrates, you'll end up feeling sleepy and sluggish before noon. Why protein you say? Protein is digested slowly. Your blood sugar is more stable and you'll have better satiety. Try boiled eggs, sardine or chicken sandwich. 2. Severely restrict your caloric intake/ starve yourself This i can...

The Big Bad Wolf Strikes Again

Remember i wrote an entry not long ago about being a chick-lit queen and the super cheap book sale a.k.a The Big Bad Wolf Book Sale ? ( click here  to read on that entry). This time the wolf strikes again. Being a devoted bookworm, how can i let this opportunity slip away? The book sale was held in Mines International Exhibition & Convention Centre (MIECC) which is just merely 10 minutes drive away from home. We spent the whole afternoon looking for books we like in a sea of books and bookworms. Finally got out of the centre with headache and lots and lots of books! Here are some pictures i took My dear friend is spoil for choice Can you believe i got all this for rm50? It's rm5 per book! All chick-lit...because i love chick-lits Now i have enough supply of books for a year :)