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Showing posts from October, 2013

Are You An Extrovert or Introvert?

People have this general conception that introverts are shy and timid while extroverts are outgoing and friendly. It's not. Introverts recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds. They tend to be quiet, peaceful, think before speaking and not really attracted to social interactions. They prefer activities we can do alone or with group of close friends like reading, writing and thinking. Introverts sometimes are called " Thinkers". They find social gatherings draining but that does not mean they have poor social skills. They might attend parties but at the end of the night, they need some alone time. Extroverts on the other hand focus on the world outside of self and gains energy from being around people. They actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They enjoy social interactions and large parties, are expressive and enthusiastic, talkative, assertiv...

The 5 Love Languages. What's Yours?

Did you know that there are actually 5 love languages and each and every one of us speaks different kind of language?  Well, not that different but all of us have our own main love language. I absolutely love the book "The 5 Love Languagesā€ by Gary Chapman. It suggests that we humans express love in different ways, namely in the 5 following ways: 1. Words of affirmation ā€“ you need to hear words of encouragement, praise or affirmations to feel loved. i.e You are really good or you did well!   2. Quality time ā€“ Spending time together, doing little things together, watching the sunset and have deep conversation. 3. Receiving/giving gifts ā€“ people who speak this language are not materialistic. Even an inexpensive and small gift is enough to make them feel loved and appreciated. They feel loved when people buys them gifts and they really do appreciate the gifts.  4. Acts of Service ā€“  people who speak this language likes to be taken care o...

Girls Talk: It's A BABY FISHY Business

Yay? Phew. Finally some normality after 10 days of abnormality. I have lots of inspiration for an entry but let this be the first after 10 days of no-blog-post. How should i start? Hmm.. In recent years, it has become acceptable for older woman to date younger man. These younger man are often referred to as "anak ikan" and the older woman are known as "cougar". But cougars are usually those above 40 years old. But meh, that definition does not apply in this post. Any older woman dating younger man, i would call them cougar. And 1 or 2 years age difference does not apply to this rule, some say it has to be at least 5 years. I am in my late twenties and i can tell you, at this age, it is already difficult enough to meet someone around my age who's unattached. Most of my peers are settling down and having babies. My FB newsfeed is often flooded with pictures of friend's kids. But then again, I'm not complaining.  This is just too cute!  Like...

Good Lingerie Is An Investment

I definitely agree.  Did you know that 80-85% of woman are walking around with an ill-fitting bra?  "So what!?" you might say, no one knows what you are wearing underneath and bra is just a bra. It covers what it should covers and that is good enough. WRONG. A bra that does not fit correctly can result in back and shoulder pain, improper posture, discomfort, or even failure of the lymph nodes to adequately drain (which leads to many more health issues itself).  It is common knowledge that lingerie is the base, the foundation for your wardrobe.  f you have a quality, perfect fitting pair of bras and panties, you will find your clothing will fit much nicer.  Believe it or not, when you put on a perfectly fitted lingerie for your figure, it will boost your confidence and self-image. Yes, no one sees what you are wearing underneath but you know it. You feel confident and sexy and it shows on your face, on how you walk and carry yourself.  T...

In Love With Cakes

Was intending to take a short nap, already drifting off but like always mind was still actively thinking. Then thought about baking a pretty cake and suddenly found myself wide awake. That's how in love i am with cakes. Purple perfection Thinking of baking a cake like this. So simple but sooooo pretty. This picture credit to velvet cake with cream cheese frosting or vanilla sponge cake with fresh cream?  What do you think?

Chill Pill Please

Cranky mood alert. Before it blossomed into something worse, i better find something to soothe myself.  What's better than watching a video of hot girls and guys huh? Naturally my eyes would focus on the video on the right.

Confession Of A Retired Party Girl

Confession Of A Retired Party Girl Read the previous confession of a party girl HERE  . The last time I went clubbing, I was with a group of friends who's around my age. Late-twenties.  We were in this supposedly swanky, ultra-hip club and found ourselves surrounded by a lot of young people.  College kids, youngsters who finally got the license to party legally. The place was jam-packed. There was no room for you to breathe.  The group of us were mainly observing these youngsters. Then I was talking to this guy, Eddy, who's a friend of a friend, and he was saying he's getting old for these kinds of things.  How he doesn't really hang out at the clubs anymore, preferred something more relax like chilling at the bar.  And he was saying how his body aches the next day after an all-nighter.  As I was looking around, I kinda agree with Eddy.  I think I'm getting too old and tired of these things.  There were pretty young girls, in sh...

Glycaemic Index of Selected Malaysian Foods

In the previous entry, I gave an introduction on glycaemic index (GI). In case you have not read it, click HERE .  I'm just going to share GI of some selected, common Malaysian foods in this post.  Food/Drink GI Fried meehoon 99 Teh tarik 78 Fried macaroni 74 Sardine sandwich 73 Roti canai & dhal 71 Nasi lemak 66 Fried rice 59 Doughnut 57 Currypuff 54                                                                                          Source: Nik Shanita, 2004 GI has been proposed to guide consumers in food choices. Some low GI foods may not...

Girls Talk: Beauty Of A Love Letter

I was chatting with a dear friend yesterday when she mentioned how her parents used to write each other pages and pages of beautifully written love letters and told her my parents used to do the same during their courting years. We then started talking about the olden days courting.  During our parents times, their only mean of communication was writing letters. No phones, no emails or whatsoever. Isn't it ironic that the less lovers are connected back then, the stronger their love is? My mum kept all the love letters my late dad wrote to her and re-read them from time to time. The one time she will open that folder without fail is on their wedding anniversary. It's also very sweet that they exchanged photos with beautifully written words behind that black and white pictures.  During my school days, we still write letters to our penpals, friends or relatives far away. It was always exciting when the postman showed up in front of your house. You could not wait to read ...