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Showing posts from August, 2014

Dummy's Guide To Dietary Supplements

Dummy's Guide To Dietary Supplements Our body need nutrients to function well and we get nutrients from the food that we eat.  Some people do not believe in dietary supplements as we can get all our nutrients from food.  The question often is "Do I need to take multivitamins if I eat well-balanced diet?" In an ideal world, yes, we do not need supplements. But unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world.  We eat on the run, skip meals, eat processed, fried, convenient food that is often nutrient-poor.  Most of us didn't get enough servings of greens/fruits daily. Even if we do, the way we cook and prepare our foods can strip off their nutrients.  Modern farming depletes soils of nutrients. So does shipping and storage of foods.  Yes, we get our main nutrients from food but I personally think it is beneficial to supplement your diet with the right vitamins and minerals.  That is why a supplement is defined as ā€œsomething that completes or enhan...

Coincidence Or A Sign?

I always make a point to say a prayer before I go to work. These past few days, I was feeling anxious, unsettled and sad over some matters.  So this morning, as usual while walking to my work place, I said a prayer letting God know how sad and hopeless I feel, asking for strength and assistance to let go of things that made me sad, things that I can't control, things that are not meant to be. Then two ladies walked towards me and one of them was wearing this T-shirt that says "Keep Calm and Trust Jesus." Oh okay. What a coincidence... Then I walked on and nearing the building, still praying in my heart, I heard this beautiful sound of church bells ringing. Just like the ones in St. Joe's Cathedral, Kuching.  Is it still a coincidence? It's probably a sign to let me know that God heard my prayers, asking me to trust Him and He is always with me. What say you? Is it a coincidence or a sign?

The Rich And Stuck-ups

You know right I work in an area populated with VIPs, the rich and the famous and sometimes the rich and perasan famous. I've written about the story here . Some of them were nice but most were terribly rude, pompous, arrogant and self-righteous.  The datins and rich man's daughters will strut in the outlet, totting their LV, Prada, Hermes, Coach, Miu Miu, Michael Kors and all other expensive handbags. They will point at things with their manicured fingers, while fluffing their just-came-out-of-saloon hair and talk in unidentifiable accent (American? British? Australian?). All I know is they don't sound like Malaysian at all. The housewives will come in with their perfectly dressed little kids while their poor foreign nanny pushed the stroller and the maids carry the shopping bags full with organic, healthy stuff.  Most of them will come in and say "Omg. Why is it so expensive?! I can get this for only 30 bucks in US you know?" (Please try and read that in...

Poretan Bermakna Di Senjakala

May the angels be with you Perghhh..tajuk sudah bisa membuatkan cikgu BM saya terangkat bontot, tersenyum lebar sambil berkata pada diri sendiri "I've done a great job!" Sebenarnya mau letak "Life Is Fragile" tapi macam ada kurang impak Whenever tragedies happened and people, especially people I know died, it will always get me thinking how short and fragile life is. How we should appreciate each and everyone we love around us. How we should live and savour every moment because we are not promised tomorrow.  Are you afraid of death? I used to but now I'm not. On some days, I probably look forward to it. Not that I want to die tomorrow or now per say, but if it is time for me to go, I'll accept it with an open heart. Death is just a transition to another world.  Eventually everyone is going to die. Why are you afraid of something that is inevitable? When MH17 was shot down and crashed, killing all its passengers and crew, many people were sa...