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Today I Woke Up Feeling Like Shit

This Morning, I Woke Up Feeling Like Shit.

You know that feeling when you generally feel like crap when you woke up.

Not enough sleep you ask me?

No, definitely not that. I've had sleepless nights before and I woke up feeling like a vegetable but definitely not feeling like shit. 

My hormone is probably out of whack. It's nearly that time of the month so I can safely put the blame on hormonal changes.

Being on the wrong side of 30, you can definitely blame your hormones for things that aren't right with your body. or life. Lol. 

Also things like "Why it's so difficult for me to lose weight?" or "Why the fats refused to go to my boobs but prefer my thighs instead?" Go ahead and blame it on hormones too.

Well, of course being stressed can also throw your hormones off balance.

Am I under stress?

I don't need a quiz to tell me that I am definitely stressed. In our current situation, who isn't?!

Despite feeling shitty, I got up and got ready for work. Although getting ready just means a quick shower, put on a decent presentable shirt, made a cup of tea, and be ready for a daily briefing at 9.15am.

Usually, I powered through the morning with just a cup of tea and only eat at noon. 

But I feel like shit and being a student of "Listen To Your Body" plus in an effort to feel slightly better, I forgo my so-called "fasting" then went ahead to order coffee & cake from my favourite coffee place.

When my elixir arrived, I wasted no time getting in the lift to collect it from the delivery guy. 

Then in came a mother with her two young children, one in a stroller and another young boy, 2-3 years old, toddling after her. The boy looked at me then mumbled something to his mum and repeated this action a few times.

Oh crap. Now not only I feel like shit, I probably look like shit too. That's why he kept turning back to look at me.

Then, I heard what he was mumbling to his mum.

"Cookie Monster ma. It's a Cookie Monster" with an amused expression on his face.

Oh, I forgot. I was wearing a Cookie Monster T-shirt and he's likely happy to see a cartoon character he recognized. And kept saying Cookie Monster all the way to Ground Floor.
Phewww, I'm happy too and feel a teeny bit better. Glad to be a source of entertainment for a boy. 

When I take the first sip of that creamy, aromatic Vanilla Latte, I feel my soul slowly returning to my body. Not all, but bit by bit. 

But do I feel 100% yet?

No, not yet. 

At this rate, I'll probably need more than a cup of coffee or cake to feel better. 

Maybe a 6 months vacation will?


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