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Saya Anak Malaysia!

Wahhh patriotik kauu.

Last week, 9th May 2018 precisely, undoubtedly is the most exciting day for Malaysians.

It's such a momentous event, more festive than Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Christmas, Gawai, Kaamatan put together. 

Because no matter what your race or religion is, most of us took the trip back home to cast our vote.

As such, the most common question during that period was

"Balik mengundi tak?" 

So it happens that someone asked me this question and I proudly told him

"Of course! you?"

"No. I haven't even register, not interested in politics." Mind you, this guy is in his 30s.

Apa lagi, CPPS pun kasi la sekolah dia sedikit.

Iols pun takdelah minat politik kan tapi mengundi adalah tanggungjawab kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia. Di tangan kita adalah kuasa untuk menentukan masa depan negara dan anak-anak kita.


Daftar idok tapi bila nak apply BRIM sepantas kilat!

So by the way, I was chatting with another friend, a guy who tells me that he "belum sampai seru untuk mengundi. Sebab undi ke tak undi ke sama je, projek tak jalan. Apa pun tarak."

This is another common mindset. Admittedly, I used to think like that too. 

We think that we are too powerless to make a change. Apalah setakat satu undi, seperti sebutir pasir di pantai. A drop of water in the ocean gitu kan.

But if anything, the recent GE taught us that every vote counts. We have the power to bring changes, no matter how insignificant we think it is. 

Benarlah kata orang, bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita roboh.

My generation grew up admiring and respecting Tun Dr. Mahathir. During his reign, our patriotism was so strong. We are so proud to be a Malaysian!

There was no Chinese or Malay or others, we are just Malaysian. Sadly, this unity and patriotism eroded over the years. Extremism be it racial or religious was so rampant that we wonder where are we headed with this.

Can you imagine feeling unsafe and threatened in your own homeland?

When the result of GE14 was announced and Tun Dr. Mahathir sworn in as the 7th Prime Minister, I'm sure majority of Malaysians shed tears of happiness, with so much joy and hope in their heart that Tun will help to bring Malaysia to its former glory again.

It's so heartwarming to see Malaysians from all walks of life, regardless of their race or religion, waving PKR's flag outside Istana Negara.

Tell me, when was the last time you see Malaysians this united?

So we have a new government, we are hopeful that things will be better. We want to see change, but let's not forget that change starts within ourselves.

Tolong pakai signal light, tolong jangan potong barisan, tolong kemas meja selepas makan, tolong jangan buang sampah merata-rata, tolonglah bersopan santun dan berbudi-bahasa.

Jangalah jadi rakyat dengan kemudahan dunia pertama tetapi masih mentaliti dunia ketiga.

Let's say no to extremism, let's not force our beliefs down others throat.

Let's respect others no matter what they belief in or their sexual orientation.

Let's focus on humanity because underneath all that labels the world gave us, we all want the same thing, to be loved and accepted for who we are.

Kepada yang belum mendaftar sebagai pengundi, silalah mendaftar. Janganlah setakat sembang kencang saja uols. hihi


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