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Cameron Highlands: Why This Could Be My Last Visit

Cameron Highlands: Why This Could Be My Last Visit

Cloudy evening made perfect with a cup of tea

Antara banyak-banyak tempat menarik di Malaysia ni, iols suka berkunjung ke Cameron Highlands. Kerana apa, sudah tentunya bukan kerana strawberry, ladang-ladang teh atau jejaka hensem disana tetapi lebih kerana cuaca sejuknya yang nyamannnnn.

Previous visits HERE and HERE

Kemana-kemana ai pergi, mesti akan ada seekor kucing yang datang meminta kasih sayang. 

And tengoklah selekeh betul sistur bercuti. Memang takde lah nak berOOTD. 

Sweater weather kauuu. Sejuk-sejuk best sangat berbungkus dan tido.

Pergi Cameron Highlands semata-mata untuk tido?!

Why not? Hahahahha. Tido is life.

So baru-baru ni, CPPS berkunjunglah lagi ke Cameron Highlands sempena cuti Hari Pekerja.

Orang cakap kalau pergi Cameron time cuti umum/cuti sekolah/cuti hujung minggu adalah seperti menempah maut! Trafik jam sampai 2 jam tak gerak langsung, cramp bontot.

Sokay takpe iols cuba nasib.

Untuk mengelak daripada possible jam, dengan bijaknya weols gerak daripada KL jam 5 pagi dan menggunakan laluan Simpang Pulai sebab iols duduk kat Hotel Copthorne, Brinchang.

DEMNN. Sangkut jugak kat jam apabila weols sampai Tringkap. 

Dalam sejam lebih jugaklah baru sampai Brinchang tu uols. Rasanya kalau iols jalan kaki sampai lagi cepat kot.

Everywhere there is cars, people and traffic jam in every possible direction.

And since my last visit almost 2 years ago, I'm quite disappointed this time. Cameron has become an eyesore. sobbs.

There are too many constructions!
This is Kea Farm from Copthorne.

Road side stalls, tall buildings, hotels, apartments, even large scale farms and how many strawberry farms does a place need?!

It's quite sad because people flock to Cameron for it's scenic, rolling hills and cool weather. A place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, but it has become busier than a city!

Scenic rolling mountains? Oh and don't get me started on Copthorne.

I chose Copthorne every time I visit because it's quiet, intimate, affordable rate and okaayyy facilities. 

Mak kecewa lagi nokkk. 

The room I got was dingy, no queen bed just 2 single beds joined together, stained carpet (eww apa uols percik kat situ?) and the room reeked of cigarette smoke. 

But the most disappointing of all was the buffet breakfast spread. Mind you, it was not even complimentary. Because I love buffet breakfast so much, I was willing to fork out RM28 (2 years ago it was RM25).

I don't mind about the price hike of RM3 if the food is nice, you know. But it was worse than the last time I came!

The choices were limited and it's not tasty. Uhuuu menangis tepi meja buffet.

But the highlight of the visit was Mossy Forest & Sg Palas Boh Tea Plantation. Both places are in Brinchang.
Mossy Forest got quite famous only recently. As the name implies, it's a forest covered in moss. And because not a lot of people know about it, it's not packed with tourists.

Wehoooo! But you have to drive uphill on a super narrow road, without proper signage. 

I only went on the boardwalk as the jungle track was closed and heard that you need to apply permit for tracking though.
Ini sebelum lautan kabus melanda

Bolehlah sekadar feeling-feeling sambil mendengar kicauan burung dan unggas kan.
How to be at 2 places at one time. Genius
Perempuan sihir dalam hutan

On my previous visits, I've always gone to Bharat Tea Plantation where the baked goods were just so so but you must must visit Sg Palas Boh plantation. 

Sg Palas Boh Teahouse.
Argghh jalan sempit

The cakes are yummy, their facilities are better and they even have a tea tour where you can go into the factory to see how tea leaves are processed.

And the workers village is unique too! They have a little school, a chapel, a surau, and a temple. It's so quaint!

Will I visit Cameron again?

Probably but not so likely.

The journey itself is already quite tiring (pardon my aging symptoms) and clearly Cameron has lost its charm due to over-development. 

It's really sad, to say the least, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way about the overdevelopment in Cameron Highlands. A lot of people have also voiced their concerns about rapid deforestation and vanishing trails in Cameron Highlands.


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