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I Love Kuching But I Hate The Traffic

I Love Kuching But I Hate The Traffic

What?! I only posted once in September? So unproductive. Duhhhh

I guess I'm so caught up with things like work, gym, and guys. Okay the last part I lied. No guys. 

I was so stressed over my upcoming final thesis presentation that I didn't get to enjoy the short break in my hometown recently. I got so worked up and I felt like a walking corpse only to be told on the day of the presentation that it has been postponed! 

For goodness sake. Made me so worked up for nothing.

Wish me luck for the viva voce guys. I can't wait to get this over with.

Was in Kuching for a short break last week but didn't get to do much except spending 2 nights in a beach resort and hibernating at home. Bliss. 

Not. My mind was in turmoil.

By the way, I love Kuching for soooo many things but there are certainly things that need to be improved. Like the road conditions, driving experience, and this I will poret about.

1. Terrible Road Condition

Most of the roads in Kuching are uneven with so many potholes. Banyak tampal sana sini. You can't drive faster than 60km/hour without feeling like you are in a boat on a rough sea! 

Macam naik bot I tell you. Is it because of the soil? (Swampy areas has roads that sink and rise like a little hill) 

Is it because of road abuse by big lorries? 

Is it because of the poor workmanship of the contractors?

And have you noticed, roads in Kuching are quite slippery with no visible white line? Without streetlights in some places. 

Can you imagine the difficulty driving on these roads at night with heavy rain?

2. Narrow Roads And Parking Spaces

So narrow in some places. Wheelbarrow pun tidak boleh lalu. 

Ok, exaggerating. 

Oh did I tell you about some of the parking spaces? No driving school can teach you the skills to park in these narrow parking spaces (holes). 

You'll just have to learn from experience and a few scratches and dents on your car. 

And why was the parking spaces designed so small when a lot of the vehicles are 4WDs?

3. There Are Just Too Many Cars In Kuching 

Doesn't this sound like exaggerating coming from someone who spends most of the time in KL where there are even more cars?

I guess, relatively, because of wider and better road conditions, it doesn't feel that congested in KL. 

Orang Kuching bukan lah semua kaya but they have no choice other than to own a car because the public transport in Kuching is poorly well-developed.

Narrow roads and too many cars caused unnecessary stress. To me at least. 

4. There's A Traffic Light Every Half A Kilometer

There's a roundabout everywhere and then there are traffic lights every half a kilometer and there's so much traffic jam because of that. 

5. No Alternative Route To Get To Main Town 

Many of the routes in Kuching has no alternative, for example, the Kuching - 7th mile- 10th mile-Serian route. 

With so many people staying out of town, it has become the main road but whenever something happens on that route, the jam is so massive because there's no other road to use!

I might come across as a kacang lupakan kulit, snotty biatch but I do love Kuching. It's my home and all my loved ones are there!

But, I think a lot of Kuchingnites will agree with me that yes, Kuching is a wonderful and fast-developing city but it definitely needs proper town planning. 


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