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I Love You. PUIKK!

Omg uols, banyaknya orang gila kurang kasih sayang dalam dunia ni kan uols. Kalau gila meroyan tak susahkan orang takpe, ni menyusahkan orang lepas tu tak boleh tengok orang hidup senang.

Baik terjun KLCC.

Inilah yang orang cakap, small-small don't die, big big make people life hard.

Cerita pasal apa ni CPPS?

Tak lain tak bukan si mental clingy bij tu la.

Tak habis-habis dengan cerita sedih dia. Victim syndrome tak habis-habis. konon mayah ni jahat, maki dia, kutuk dia.

Iols rasa bukan Mayah ni jahat, dia yang psycho sebenarnya.

7th April anta emoticon sedih, iols ignore. 3 jam kemudian anta emoticon heartbroken, 

"I down sangat you"

Akhirnya iols reply setelah berminggu bagi silent treatment kat dia.

"Dah kenapa?"

"People are fake you know that? Kenapa orang macam tu u? Acah baik depan2 tapi hipokrit. Make you fell worthless"

"Apa cerita?"

"Mayah. Cakap dulu kat i date haram la ape la. Acah-acah. I fall in love lah. Still simpan niat nak kawin dia. Tup-tup nak date dengan bekas personal trainer dia. Budak Arab, muda dari dia. Budak tu player kot u. Bodohhh. Dasar munafik. Jijiklah aq"

"Again?! Seriously are we talking about this again? U nak buat i marah ke? I kan rasa nak tampar je u"

Haahhh tu dia. Garang kauuuu. Kahh!

"Pleaselah stop wasting my time with all this bullshit about mayah. U kalau nak cerita pasal dia, please carik orang lain."

"Sorry if i being too faithful and shit. I taktau kenapa i syg dia. I sorry u. I failed to find anyone to replace her. Sorry u. I penat. I sedih. I sakit."

"So? Itu u sendiri cari masalah"

"Please tolong I..."

"U sendiri yang nak sangat kat dia padahal dia perbodohkan u. Tolong u? Bukan u ke marah I dulu ckp u takde pun mintak tolong kat i, yg i sibuk nak tolong u kenapa. Takde org boleh tolong u melainkan diri u sendiri. U ingat i tak fed up ke tak habis2 dengan mayah u tu?"

"Got u!!" Dia gelak-gelak.

"Seriously u gave me cold shoulder about this ke? I dah mintak maaf kan"

Ohhh kali ni iols betul-betul hilang sabar. Mintak simpati, seolah-olah dia mangsa keadaan. Lepas tu kengkonon nak test I. Gotcha I.

"Nope. I need to distance myself from u sebab u drain me too much. I terus terang je lah senang kan. I tak nak jadi hipokrit macam mayah. It's not about mayah je. U tak perasan everytime kita communicate, at one point u akan sentap then u marah, maki i. then u mintak maaf then cycle repeat again. That shit is emotionally draining and i can't afford to waste my energy on all that. And u always coming back to me with this mayah shit is super annoying and irritating."

"I love you" TIBAHHHHHH!


"U are the best thing that ever happen to me. I'm glad i know u."

"aih. Tolonglah. Apa motif u nak cakap semua tu?"

Eleh. Ko ingat ko romantik la kan, kengkonon hero malaya la kan, tetiba cakap "I love you". As if that will change things. As if that will un-psycho u.

"I ada carik Tuhan u. Bukan takde. It's just that i love u maybe. That's why I cling to u but that doesn't mean I'm selfish. I do care about u. U tau tak semalam i pergi buffet teman uncle i, that place is so nice and u know what is funny? I kept having a fantasy u were there eating with me. And i do want to bring u there."

ELEHHHH. Sekali lagi, ko ingat romantik la macam tu? Ko ingat iols akan jatuh hati la kat uols. 


"I'm not attracted to u. U are annoying & irritating."

"Just nak bagitau apa i rasa je. I tak expect pun u love me back. U could be a wonderful wife for me. I like your spirit, how u treat people. U have a kind heart"

Panjang kan drama psycho ni. Uols ingat habis tu ke? HAHAHHAHAA. 

Memang idok le. After ignoring his text for 2 days, dia anta lagi emoticon sedih pukul 3am.

"Ha dah kenapa emo pukul 3 pagi?"

"I just realized. I can't grow a beard when I become a police. My wife wouldn't know how I look with a beard and i do look much better with a beard. Now i keep the beard as long as possible. Then I want to take a passport photo of me with the beard so my wife would know how i look with a beard on :'( :'( :'( :'("


Terus tak reply wehhh. KAHHHHHH! sentap la tu. Padan muka. Pukul 3 pagi nak emo sebab benda merepek macam tu kan. Kalau between life and death, iols paham la kan. Ni sebab janggut? sebab nanti future wife tak tau rupa dia berjanggut.


Apparently, because of my one word reply, he got so angry and deleted my number, blocked me on Instagram. 

Few days later, he unblock me and sent a private message.

"I delete no u sebab I marah dekat u. Sorry. Now I can't find it anywhere. U start to treat me like shit. U don't know how much that stuff make me sad. I get through all this stuff because u help me a lot and I'm thankful for that. but please don't treat me like that. U the only one who bring positivity in my life and I hate losing u"

Ini memang mengundang karangan 500 muka surat ni. Dia nak salahkan kita treat him like shit. 


"U sedar tak u dah start balik cycle sentap u? U sentap then u marah maki delete no I apa semua then u minta maaf then u buat lagi. U nak apa daripada i sebenarnya? Pkl 3 pagi sedih bagi cerita merepek yang ntah pape. U sedar tak benda tu annoying. I dah ckp u are annoying tapi u still buat perangai sama. I treat u like shit? Kira bagus i tak maki, block u. I owe u nothing okay and I'm not obliged to treat u a certain way. I sabar pun ada had. kalau macam ni lah u buat kat mayah jugak, i tak hairan pun kenapa dia maki u."

"u wanna the truth? Mayah call me penzina. It hurts me like hell. And i got no one to tell about this. I got nobody asking me if i'm okay or not. I dah move on from her but somehow she got the chance to make me feel less than I already am. Sorry kalau u kena tempias dia jugak."

"Do u think it's fair to me? and then u demand me to not treat u like shit? don't u see how fucked up is that? I'm done being friend with u. U tau tak yang u ni toxic? I'm not responsible for ur feelings."

"I said the same thing to mayah. She is toxic. Now berjangkit kat i. I'm sorry."

"So is that my problem? Tak kan?"

"It's okay if u can't be friend with me anymore. I understand."

Thank God, that was the last I heard of him dan syukur kepada Tuhan, dia sudah tidak menghantui hidup iols.

I've come across few toxic people but i often realized it when it's too late.

I'm naturally kind and soft-hearted so I naively thought that others are like that too but mannnn there are crazy, emotionally unstable and psycho people out there!

If they make a positive connection with someone, that person quickly becomes a best friend or true love. Tu lah yang tetiba I love you kan.

Okaylah here's how you can detect toxic people:

1. Toxic people live lives of intense drama, and it’s easy to get sucked in.
2. Toxic people are completely self-centered. They make sure all attention focuses on them.
3. Toxic people often appear to need constant rescuing.
4. They are mean. A toxic person may mistreat you over and over, if you allow it.
5. Toxic people try to control you through emotional manipulation.
You never know what behavior to expect. 
6. Toxic people can be alternately kind or hurtful, calm or enraged. They keep you off balance.
7. Toxic people frequently test you, asking you to prove your love or friendship.
8. Toxic people lie. You can’t believe anything they tell you.
9. Toxic people may be around when you have a crisis, but they will rarely share a happy moment. They like it when you are struggling more than when you are succeeding.
10. They take every chance to bring you down.
11. Toxic people judge you.

12. They manipulate conversations to keep you confused.


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