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Do You Believe In Angels?

Friends i talked to might have noticed my current fascination (not quite obsession yet) with angels, souls and spirit since i got back from my vacation. That's all i talked about since. haha. 

I have always believed in guardian angels, archangels and angels in general. Even from my religion point of view, angels have always been mentioned in the bible and played a pivotal role in being a messenger and carrying out God's will. In the bible, the archangel Michael, Gabriel and Raphael have always been mentioned. Many other angels have been mentioned but their name was generally not known. 

Many times in my life i believed i have been touched by an angel. There are times in my life when i felt i have no strength to face the obstacles but amazingly enough, i did. I never knew i could be that strong. One of my favorite thing they said about guardian angels is “They make sure you meet the right person at the right time.” How true is that.  There was a point in my life when i was so devastated i would rather die. Then like an angel, someone came into my life and accompany me through the journey of healing and becoming a better person. Call it divine intervention. God surely know when to send someone into your life. 

Each and everyone of us has been assigned an angel since we were conceived and as we go through life, angels come and go depending on our life phases, stages or lessons we need to learn but our guardian angel remained the same one since birth. If there is a guardian angel for everyone then why don’t angels come to a person’s aid every time it’s asked for? Sometimes the angels must stand back, whilst giving loving support only, as we work things out for ourselves – It is a lesson we need to learn on our own. 

You can browse the net for many other info on angels. I'm going to talk about my personal experience in this post.

i have been trying to communicate and bring myself closer to my guardian angels. Tips given was to meditate and giving them permission to help and guide me in my daily life, asking their name, talk to them and thanking them for their guidance and protection. 
The first few times i tried, i felt all tingly with pin and needles sensation on my limbs whenever i talked to them. 

My last airborne journey was VERY interesting.  Although i have always been praying before these kind of journey, I never prayed and asking protection directly from angels. We were taxing down the runway and the plane was speeding up ready for take off. Just as i was about to ask Archangel Raphael (considered the patron saint of medical workers, matchmakers, and travelers) to protect us on our journey, the plane abruptly stop as the emergency break has been applied. It turns out that there was an engine technical problem. 

We had to disembark and wait 6 hours for another plane to arrive.  Although everyone was quite frustrated that we had to waste 6 hours in the airport, everyone was saying it was lucky that the problem was detected while we are still on the ground. Imagine what could happen if something went wrong while we are up in the air. Coincidence or divine intervention?

We changed plane and given new seats. So i reclined my seat after take off and get up to use the washroom when the seat belt sign was switched off. See, I have been asking signs from my guardian angels to let me know they are beside me but so far i did not see any signs. As i was getting up, lo and behold, there was a white bird feather (about the size of my thumb) on my seat!  

Read this to find out what are the other signs from angels.

Was that white feather a sign from my guardian angel?  Coincidence? I read somewhere that nothing, absolutely NOTHING happens by chance. All of that has and will happen is part of God’s divine plan for you. 

You bad kitty 


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